Pigtailed Laser Diodes, Single Mode Fiber

  • Wavelengths from 405 to 1625 nm
  • FC/PC or FC/APC Connector
  • Custom Pigtail Options Available

TO-Packaged Pigtail,
Single Mode Fiber

FC/PC Connector

FC/APC Connector

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Contact ThorlabsLaser Diode Tutorial
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info icon Clicking this icon opens a window that contains specifications and mechanical drawings.
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Choose Item

Clicking the words "Choose Item" opens a drop-down list containing all of the in-stock lasers around the desired center wavelength. The red icon next to the serial number then allows you to download L-I-V and spectral measurements for that serial-numbered device.
Pin Code Monitor Photodiode
A Yes
B Yes
C Yes
D Yes
E No
F Yes
G No
H No


  • Single Mode Pigtailed Laser Diodes from 405 nm to 1625 nm
  • Internal 8°-Angle-Cleaved Fiber (See the Design Tab)
  • Connector: FC/PC or FC/APC (2.0 mm Narrow Key)
  • 1 m of Single Mode Fiber
  • Custom Pigtails Available Upon Request by Contacting Tech Support

Thorlabs offers a variety of laser diodes pigtailed with single mode (SM) optical fiber. Diodes are sorted by wavelength and then power, and the tables below list key specifications for quick identification of diodes suitable for your application. The blue button in the Info column within the tables opens a pop-up window that contains more detailed specifications for each item, as well as mechanical drawings.

Our precise pigtail alignment process for laser diodes includes multiple test and inspection points that ensure that the coupling efficiency of the laser emission into the single mode pigtail is maximized. In addition, the input end of the fiber is cleaved at an 8° angle in order to minimize back reflections that can cause the output intensity to fluctuate (see the Design tab for details). We offer versions based on TO-packaged diodes (Ø5.6 mm, Ø9 mm, or non-standard Ø9.5 mm).

While the center wavelength is listed for each laser diode, this is only a typical number. The center wavelength of a particular unit varies from production run to production run, so the diode you receive may not operate at the typical center wavelength. After clicking "Choose Item" below, a list will appear that contains the dominant wavelength, output power, and operating current of each in-stock unit. Clicking on the red Docs Icon next to the serial number provides access to a PDF with serial-number-specific L-I-V and spectral characteristics.

The reliability of the laser diode rapidly declines at higher temperatures. Therefore, for stable output power and wavelength, it is highly recommended that you use a temperature controller with these products. Diodes can also be temperature tuned, which will alter the lasing wavelength.

Laser diodes are sensitive to electrostatic shock. Please take the proper precautions when handling the device, such as using an ESD wrist strap. These lasers are also sensitive to optical feedback, which can cause significant fluctuations in the output power of the laser diode depending on the application.

We recommend cleaning the fiber connector before each use, if there is any chance that dust or other contaminants may have deposited on the surface. To view our fiber cleaning products, click here. The laser intensity at the center of the fiber tip can be very high and may burn the tip of the fiber if contaminants are present. While the connectors on these pigtailed laser diodes are cleaned and capped before shipping, we cannot guarantee that they will remain free of contamination after they are removed from the package. For all of these pigtailed laser diodes, the laser should be off when connecting or disconnecting the device from other fibers, particularly for lasers with power levels above 10 mW.

Please contact Tech Support if you would like a quote on custom pigtailed laser diodes or for a volume order.

Click to Enlarge
Pin Codes

For warranty information, please refer to the LD Operation tab.
Laser Diode Pigtailing

The drawing to the right shows a laser diode's emitted light focused into an angle-polished fiber. By angling the optical fiber at 8°, light that is not coupled into the optical fiber is reflected away from the laser diode. If this reflected light were reflected back toward the diode, light would be coupled into the diode and cause fluctuations in power and wavelength.

Further Reducing Back Reflection
Although we use a fiber coupling design that minimizes back reflections, other factors may couple light back into the fiber. Many of our standard pigtailed laser diodes feature optical fiber with an FC/PC connector. When the FC/PC connector is not connected directly to another FC/PC connector, about 4% of light in the fiber is reflected back toward the laser diode due to the silica/air interface. Customers who require a silica/air interface or minimal back reflections in their application can contact Tech Support to request FC/APC connectors. As FC/APC connectors have an angled polish, light reflected back toward the diode will be further minimized.

When operated within their specifications, laser diodes have extremely long lifetimes. Most failures occur from mishandling or operating the lasers beyond their maximum ratings. Laser diodes are among the most static-sensitive devices currently made and proper ESD protection should be worn whenever handling a laser diode. Due to their extreme electrostatic sensitivity, laser diodes cannot be returned after their sealed package has been opened. Laser diodes in their original sealed package can be returned for a full refund or credit.

Handling and Storage Precautions

Because of their extreme susceptibility to damage from electrostatic discharge (ESD), care should be taken whenever handling and operating laser diodes.

Wrist Straps
Use grounded anti-static wrist straps whenever handling diodes.

Anti-Static Mats
Always work on grounded anti-static mats.

Laser Diode Storage
When not in use, short the leads of the laser together to protect against ESD damage.

Operating and Safety Precautions

Use an Appropriate Driver
Laser diodes require precise control of operating current and voltage to avoid overdriving the laser. In addition, the laser driver should provide protection against power supply transients. Select a laser driver appropriate for your application. Do not use a voltage supply with a current-limiting resistor since it does not provide sufficient regulation to protect the laser diode.

Power Meters
When setting up and calibrating a laser diode with its driver, use a NIST-traceable power meter to precisely measure the laser output. It is usually safest to measure the laser diode output directly before placing the laser in an optical system. If this is not possible, be sure to take all optical losses (transmissive, aperture stopping, etc.) into consideration when determining the total output of the laser.

Flat surfaces in the optical system in front of a laser diode can cause some of the laser energy to reflect back onto the laser’s monitor photodiode, giving an erroneously high photodiode current. If optical components are moved within the system and energy is no longer reflected onto the monitor photodiode, a constant-power feedback loop will sense the drop in photodiode current and try to compensate by increasing the laser drive current and possibly overdriving the laser. Back reflections can also cause other malfunctions or damage to laser diodes. To avoid this, be sure that all surfaces are angled 5-10°, and when necessary, use optical isolators to attenuate direct feedback into the laser.

Heat Sinks
Laser diode lifetime is inversely proportional to operating temperature. Always mount the laser diode in a suitable heat sink to remove excess heat from the laser package.

Voltage and Current Overdrive
Be careful not to exceed the maximum voltage and drive current listed on the specification sheet with each laser diode, even momentarily. Also, reverse voltages as little as 3 V can damage a laser diode.

ESD-Sensitive Device
Laser diodes are susceptible to ESD damage even during operation. This is particularly aggravated by using long interface cables between the laser diode and its driver due to the inductance that the cable presents. Avoid exposing the laser diode or its mounting apparatus to ESD at all times.

ON/OFF and Power-Supply-Coupled Transients
Due to their fast response times, laser diodes can be easily damaged by transients less than 1 µs. High-current devices such as soldering irons, vacuum pumps, and fluorescent lamps can cause large momentary transients, and thus surge-protected outlets should always be used when working with laser diodes.

If you have any questions regarding laser diodes, please contact Thorlabs Technical Support for assistance.

Laser Safety and Classification

Safe practices and proper usage of safety equipment should be taken into consideration when operating lasers. The eye is susceptible to injury, even from very low levels of laser light. Thorlabs offers a range of laser safety accessories that can be used to reduce the risk of accidents or injuries. Laser emission in the visible and near infrared spectral ranges has the greatest potential for retinal injury, as the cornea and lens are transparent to those wavelengths, and the lens can focus the laser energy onto the retina. 

Laser Glasses Laser Curtains Blackout Materials
Enclosure Systems Laser Viewing Cards Alignment Tools
Shutter and Controllers Laser Safety Signs

Safe Practices and Light Safety Accessories

  • Laser safety eyewear must be worn whenever working with Class 3 or 4 lasers.
  • Regardless of laser class, Thorlabs recommends the use of laser safety eyewear whenever working with laser beams with non-negligible powers, since metallic tools such as screwdrivers can accidentally redirect a beam.
  • Laser goggles designed for specific wavelengths should be clearly available near laser setups to protect the wearer from unintentional laser reflections.
  • Goggles are marked with the wavelength range over which protection is afforded and the minimum optical density within that range.
  • Laser Safety Curtains and Laser Safety Fabric shield other parts of the lab from high energy lasers.
  • Blackout Materials can prevent direct or reflected light from leaving the experimental setup area.
  • Thorlabs' Enclosure Systems can be used to contain optical setups to isolate or minimize laser hazards.
  • A fiber-pigtailed laser should always be turned off before connecting it to or disconnecting it from another fiber, especially when the laser is at power levels above 10 mW.
  • All beams should be terminated at the edge of the table, and laboratory doors should be closed whenever a laser is in use.
  • Do not place laser beams at eye level.
  • Carry out experiments on an optical table such that all laser beams travel horizontally.
  • Remove unnecessary reflective items such as reflective jewelry (e.g., rings, watches, etc.) while working near the beam path.
  • Be aware that lenses and other optical devices may reflect a portion of the incident beam from the front or rear surface.
  • Operate a laser at the minimum power necessary for any operation.
  • If possible, reduce the output power of a laser during alignment procedures.
  • Use beam shutters and filters to reduce the beam power.
  • Post appropriate warning signs or labels near laser setups or rooms.
  • Use a laser sign with a lightbox if operating Class 3R or 4 lasers (i.e., lasers requiring the use of a safety interlock).
  • Do not use Laser Viewing Cards in place of a proper Beam Trap.


Laser Classification

Lasers are categorized into different classes according to their ability to cause eye and other damage. The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is a global organization that prepares and publishes international standards for all electrical, electronic, and related technologies. The IEC document 60825-1 outlines the safety of laser products. A description of each class of laser is given below:

Class Description Warning Label
1 This class of laser is safe under all conditions of normal use, including use with optical instruments for intrabeam viewing. Lasers in this class do not emit radiation at levels that may cause injury during normal operation, and therefore the maximum permissible exposure (MPE) cannot be exceeded. Class 1 lasers can also include enclosed, high-power lasers where exposure to the radiation is not possible without opening or shutting down the laser.  Class 1
1M Class 1M lasers are safe except when used in conjunction with optical components such as telescopes and microscopes. Lasers belonging to this class emit large-diameter or divergent beams, and the MPE cannot normally be exceeded unless focusing or imaging optics are used to narrow the beam. However, if the beam is refocused, the hazard may be increased and the class may be changed accordingly.  Class 1M
2 Class 2 lasers, which are limited to 1 mW of visible continuous-wave radiation, are safe because the blink reflex will limit the exposure in the eye to 0.25 seconds. This category only applies to visible radiation (400 - 700 nm).  Class 2
2M Because of the blink reflex, this class of laser is classified as safe as long as the beam is not viewed through optical instruments. This laser class also applies to larger-diameter or diverging laser beams.  Class 2M
3R Class 3R lasers produce visible and invisible light that is hazardous under direct and specular-reflection viewing conditions. Eye injuries may occur if you directly view the beam, especially when using optical instruments. Lasers in this class are considered safe as long as they are handled with restricted beam viewing. The MPE can be exceeded with this class of laser; however, this presents a low risk level to injury. Visible, continuous-wave lasers in this class are limited to 5 mW of output power.  Class 3R
3B Class 3B lasers are hazardous to the eye if exposed directly. Diffuse reflections are usually not harmful, but may be when using higher-power Class 3B lasers. Safe handling of devices in this class includes wearing protective eyewear where direct viewing of the laser beam may occur. Lasers of this class must be equipped with a key switch and a safety interlock; moreover, laser safety signs should be used, such that the laser cannot be used without the safety light turning on. Laser products with power output near the upper range of Class 3B may also cause skin burns.  Class 3B
4 This class of laser may cause damage to the skin, and also to the eye, even from the viewing of diffuse reflections. These hazards may also apply to indirect or non-specular reflections of the beam, even from apparently matte surfaces. Great care must be taken when handling these lasers. They also represent a fire risk, because they may ignite combustible material. Class 4 lasers must be equipped with a key switch and a safety interlock.  Class 4
All class 2 lasers (and higher) must display, in addition to the corresponding sign above, this triangular warning sign.  Warning Symbol

Posted Comments:
Gyeongsu Lee  (posted 2024-10-11 14:08:02.83)
Hello I'd like to purchase a laser diode in the UV area. Is there a laser with a wavelength of 300 to 400 nm? If you have one, I want to get it delivered quickly, how can I purchase it?
jpolaris  (posted 2024-10-11 07:57:37.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. We have one laser diode within the 300 nm - 400 nm range. It is L375P70MLD, and its nominal center-wavelength is 375 nm. I have reached out to you directly to discuss purchasing option for your region. The following link will take you to L375P70MLD in our catalog. https://www.thorlabs.com/newgrouppage9.cfm?objectgroup_id=5400
Peter Fischer  (posted 2023-12-12 09:21:50.5)
Hallo, I do not find the laser safety class information for your products. Could you please help? In particular, what class is LP642-SF20 ?
ksosnowski  (posted 2023-12-12 12:25:13.0)
Hello Peter, thanks for reaching out to Thorlabs. Because these laser pigtails are not sold as part of a system, we are unable to provide a classification as the exact rating will depend on the user's operating conditions upon installation. While we do provide a serialized LIV with this pigtail, and we do not recommend overdriving, it is not impossible for a user to temporarily overdrive past the max diode ratings for example. Our benchtop lasers like S1FC635 on the other hand are full systems with programmed limits and we are able to rate those systems as a whole. An engineer from your local tech support team has reached out to discuss this application further.
Basile K  (posted 2023-11-23 14:45:59.4)
Greeting, I would like to make some changes inside the lens body of the LP660-SP20. Can you tell me if the laser diode is fixed or glued, or is it plugged in? I already know that there will be a power loss due to the diode change but that's not a problem for me. Thank you for your answer.
jpolaris  (posted 2023-11-29 06:51:09.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. I am afraid that I cannot recommend that you attempt to remove the diode from the body of LP660-SF20. This would destroy the laser as the chip is epoxied in place.
user  (posted 2022-09-12 21:37:32.727)
Greetings, I would like to know what is the typical lifetime of a Thorlab laser diode? I couldn't find this information on the Thorlab's website.
cdolbashian  (posted 2022-09-26 04:38:49.0)
Thank you for reaching out to us with this inquiry! The lifetime of a diode depends on many factors including, but not limited to, diode style, driving current, maximum power, cooling method, and mounting method. As such we cannot make a reasonable estimate for any given diode in our catalogue. I have reached out to you directly with recommendations for lengthening your diode lifetime.
kh w  (posted 2021-12-14 23:02:54.2)
YLohia  (posted 2021-12-14 01:26:39.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. An applications engineer from our team in China (techsupport-cn@thorlabs.com) will discuss this directly with you.
Thomas Panier  (posted 2021-01-22 11:21:23.64)
Greetings, I would like to know why the Compact Laser Diode Drivers CLD1010LP and CLD1010LP are not recommended for these pigtailed laser diodes. Many thanks for your answer.
soswald  (posted 2021-01-25 02:36:03.0)
This is a reply from Soenke at Thorlabs: Dear Thomas, thank you for your feedback. Depending on the diodes pin code, either the CLD1010LP or the CLD1011LP are the recommended mounts/drivers for all of these diodes. You can either use a combination of LDM9LP (mount) and ITC4001 (driver) or just the CLD1010LP or CLD1011LP alone, as these are combined drivers and mounts.
Iskander Usenov  (posted 2020-11-19 16:02:34.973)
Hello, can you please specify the wavelength/temperature coefficient (nm/C)? How broad can these lasers be tuned? I'm also interested in LP852-SF30. Thank you
YLohia  (posted 2020-11-19 01:59:22.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. The temperature tuning coefficient for both the LP785-SF100 and LP852-SF30 is around 0.25 nm/C. The tunability is entirely limited by the center wavelength spec (at 25 C) and minimum/maximum operating temperature specs.
Nishimiya Fuyuki  (posted 2020-07-22 16:37:19.347)
Greetings, I would like to know how fast can I modulate the light source? Thank you!
YLohia  (posted 2020-07-22 09:37:19.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. Unfortunately, we do not characterize the rise/fall time or bandwidth for these laser diodes. That being said, we expect speeds > 100 MHz to be achievable with the proper drivers/mounts.
carolina.franciscangelis  (posted 2018-05-03 10:38:19.25)
Greetings, I would like to know the linewidth of this laser. Thanks,
YLohia  (posted 2018-05-03 08:32:11.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. All of our pigtailed laser diodes are individually tested and come with their unique spec sheets. These are available online and contain the measured spectrum to help our customers pick the particular diode that works better for their application. These individual spec sheets can be accessed by clicking on the "Choose Item" link on the left side of the product number. This will open up a drop-down of different serial numbers we currently have in stock of that part number. Clicking on the red "document" icon next to the serial number will bring up the spec sheet.
scottie730318  (posted 2017-10-17 18:33:28.8)
Dear sir We are interest in Pigtailed Laser Diode (LP940-SF30). How can I buy the Pigtailed Laser Diode and specify the emission wavelength at 940nm?
nbayconich  (posted 2017-11-14 03:08:52.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. A particular serial number can be selected from our inventory closer to your desired center wavelength. Additionally these lasers can be slightly tuned by changing the operating temperature. I will contact you directly with a quote for our closest matching centerwavelength diode.
yjb4174  (posted 2017-06-20 16:04:58.793)
Can I change diode only? I already bought that some months ago but it doesn't work now so I need to have a new one but I want to save my money as much as possible. I used this laser for alignment a few months but the power of the laser decreased gradually even I can not find the beam with light. Please, let me know can I buy and change diode only instead of buying the whole product. Best regards Jungbae Yoon Korea University
tfrisch  (posted 2017-06-27 10:45:34.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. Unfortunately, the diode is not replaceable in a pigtailed laser diode. The coupling optics and fiber are permanently fixed in the housing and would not be aligned to a different diode.
user  (posted 2017-04-13 02:16:24.717)
Dear, Could you let me know the bandwidth of LPS-635-FC? Thank you.
tfrisch  (posted 2017-04-20 01:46:19.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. The bandwidth will vary slightly from unit to unit. We give individualized spec sheets for available units on the webpage. They can be viewed by clicking the "Choose Item" link below and then selecting the spec sheet from the documents list. The bandwidth is typically around 1.5nm FWHM. Please contact us at TechSupport@Thorlabs.com to discuss further.
sales  (posted 2016-11-16 01:05:24.24)
Dear Sir, We are planning to UTILIZE the pigtailed laser diodes in our products, Will we able to sell our products to our Customers?, Please advise, Thanks for fast reply, Best Regards, Michael Winik
tfrisch  (posted 2016-11-16 02:02:13.0)
Hello Michael, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. I have reached out to you directly.
kinsung.chan  (posted 2015-08-26 12:34:22.643)
Regarding the LPS-635-FC, all the choices of the diodes are 637 nm. May I ask is it possible to replace the laser diode of one's own choice. In other words, can Thorlab customize for me? I'm interested in using the laser diode HL6312G.
jlow  (posted 2015-09-21 10:34:17.0)
Response from Jeremy at Thorlabs: We can customize our laser pigtail with other LD. For this case, the HL6312G has a central wavelength tolerance range of 625-640nm so there's no guarantee that a laser pigtail made with this LD will have 635nm central wavelength.
muttahid07  (posted 2015-06-04 22:25:14.187)
Hello, Please inform me refractive index of core & cladding "LP405-SF10" of this optical fiber. Thanks.
jlow  (posted 2015-08-25 11:53:52.0)
Response from Jeremy at Thorlabs: We are not permitted to publish this information on the website. I will contact you directly to provide this. You can also contact us directly at techsupport@thorlabs.com for similar requests in the future.
tcohen  (posted 2012-06-20 10:19:00.0)
Response from Tim at Thorlabs: Thank you for your feedback. I would like to review your profile and share some pictures of ones we have tested to compare. Please ensure that both the collimator and the fiber are clean. Dirt can accumulate on the fiber tip which will impose dark spots on your image. These can be seen clearly through a fiber scope and can be remedied with our fiber cleaning products, http://www.thorlabs.com/NewGroupPage9.cfm?ObjectGroup_ID=3317. To see imperfections on the scale of darkening that a multimodal pattern would produce is highly irregular. I will contact you to get more information so we can determine the cause of the problem.
nizamov.shawkat  (posted 2012-06-18 07:41:14.0)
Hello, I have a question regarding LP642-SF20. I have installed it and coupled its FC/PC output connector via FCB1 to P1-630-FC-2. Now I image the beam onto the CCD camera at ca. 30 cm distance (7x7mm, 1 MPixels). I observe practically homogenous illumination of CCD. Then I install the F280FC-B collimator, which should give us a Gaussian beam with ca. 3-4 mm diameter. I tried with CFC-11X-B too. The problem is that while beam profile looks like a Gaussian beam in general, it contains also a lot of distortions in it - it is not homogenous and contains some structure in it - brighter / darker spots (not speckles!), like in multimode fibers. I do not have an experience with fibers - is it something to be expected or something is really wrong with my setup? Idea was to use such fiber spatial filter instead of a generic pinhole spatial filter and get a more or less homogenous illumination of area of about 1 mm2.
tcohen  (posted 2012-05-08 09:22:00.0)
Response from Tim at Thorlabs: Thank you for your feedback! We do have plans to spectrum test every laser pigtail in the future. I have opened a discussion with our engineers regarding your suggestions so that we may provide more useful documentation in the future. Thank you for your suggestions!
alexandru.serb05  (posted 2012-05-04 14:17:18.0)
Dear ThorLabs, I always liked the straight-forward organisation of the ThorLabs website. Finding anything is quick and easy. If I can't find it I know it most likely isn't there. For that reason I'd like to recommend that when uploading documentation for light sources (I'm looking at pigtailed lasers) this documentation is complete and thorough. For example, for the LP-1550-FC the manual is merely 2 pages. A number of crucial things are missing, such as plots of output power vs wavelength at a reference electrical power input and steady state, plots of the power spectral density of noise as detected by a well-characterised photodetector (mathematically discounting for the noise of the photodetector would also be very useful in this case) and, equally crucially, in the online version of the manual there is no indication of the IEEE laser classification. Admittedly this is often easy to guess, but not always... This can delay H&S preparations (as it did in my case when I found out that my 1,5mW IR laser diode is a class 3R and not 3B as I guessed). As such, I wish to reiterate my recommendation that all components that make it to the market should be extensively characterised and proper, extensive manuals should also be provided along with the 'executive summaries' currently displayed for many such products. Incidentally, I've had a similar problem with SLDs. Unless I can get my hands on noise data for them I can not make a convincing case to my supervisor for buying one. This is my only criticism to an otherwise unusually user-friendly and well-organised website. Thank you.
bdada  (posted 2011-10-04 19:49:00.0)
Response from Buki at Thorlabs: Thank you for your feedback. Our list of stock PM pigtailed diodes is smaller than our selection of SM pigtails but we will take your request into consideration as we continue expanding our selection of PM pigtails. In the meantime, we have contacted you regarding a custom version of the LPS-675-FC.
johannes.kaschke  (posted 2011-10-04 11:23:14.0)
Why is it not possible to get the model LPS-675-FC with a polarization maintaining fiber? Is this setup simply not listed or not possible for other reasons?
apalmentieri  (posted 2010-01-27 09:11:12.0)
A response from Adam at Thorlabs to Juergen: The diodes that are used in our pigtails can be found under the specifications tab, and they contain links direct to the manufacturers specification sheet. For the LPS-1550-FC, they use the ML925B45F. This diode has a maximum voltage requirement of 1.5V and a maximum rise time of .7ns. I will email you a copy of the specification sheet for this diode.
juergen.bosse  (posted 2010-01-27 05:50:32.0)
And the product would be REALLY useful if I knew exactly which diode you are using here. I need to modulate it with 2.5 GHz, so the forward voltage and rise/fall time would be the most important parameters to know. Why dont you include the link to the manufacturers data sheet as you do on so many other products? Thank you in advance, Juergen Bosse
acable  (posted 2007-07-26 15:17:56.0)
I would go one further and say the drive current and other main specifications need to be listed on the Specs tab for each of the pigtailed lasers. I would probably not recommend that we list this information in the catalog becasue it is nice to be able to switch diodes as they periodically change due to obsolescence or short supply. Also please make it clear that the angle cleave is internally to the package, i also beleive this design is used for all the pigtails.
cjohns  (posted 2007-07-26 13:56:45.0)
We should definately show the which diode is used in these so the customers can easily tell the drive current needed

The rows shaded green below denote single-frequency lasers.

Item #WavelengthOutput PowerOperating
Beam DivergenceLaser ModePackage
L375P70MLD375 nm70 mW110 mA5.4 V22.5°Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm
L404P400M404 nm400 mW370 mA4.9 V13° (1/e2)42° (1/e2)MultimodeØ5.6 mm
LP405-SF10405 nm10 mW50 mA5.0 V--Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm, SM Pigtail
L405P20405 nm20 mW38 mA4.8 V8.5°19°Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm
LP405C1405 nm30 mW75 mA4.3 V1.4 mrad1.4 mradSingle Transverse ModeØ3.8 mm, SM Pigtail with Collimator
L405G2405 nm35 mW50 mA4.9 V10°21°Single Transverse ModeØ3.8 mm
DL5146-101S405 nm40 mW70 mA5.2 V19°Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm
L405A1405 nm175 mW (Min)150 mA5.0 V20°Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm
LP405-MF300405 nm300 mW350 mA4.5 V--MultimodeØ5.6 mm, MM Pigtail
L405G1405 nm1000 mW900 mA5.0 V13°45°MultimodeØ9 mm
LP450-SF25450 nm25 mW75 mA5.0 V--Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm, SM Pigtail
L450G3450 nm100 mW (Min)80 mA5.2 V8.4°21.5°Single Transverse ModeØ3.8 mm
L450G2450 nm100 mW (Min)80 mA5.0 V8.4°21.5°Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm
L450P1600MM450 nm1600 mW1200 mA4.8 V19 - 27°MultimodeØ5.6 mm
L473P100473 nm100 mW120 mA5.7 V1024Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm
LP488-SF20488 nm20 mW70 mA6.0 V--Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm, SM Pigtail
LP488-SF20G488 nm20 mW80 mA5.5 V--Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm, SM Pigtail
L488P60488 nm60 mW75 mA6.8 V23°Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm
LP515-SF3515 nm3 mW50 mA5.3 V--Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm, SM Pigtail
L515A1515 nm10 mW50 mA5.4 V6.5°21°Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm
LP520-SF15A520 nm15 mW100 mA7.0 V--Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm, SM Pigtail
LP520-SF15520 nm15 mW140 mA6.5 V--Single Transverse ModeØ9 mm, SM Pigtail
L520A1520 nm30 mW (Min)80 mA5.5 V22°Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm
PL520520 nm50 mW250 mA7.0 V22°Single Transverse ModeØ3.8 mm
L520P50520 nm45 mW150 mA7.0 V22°Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm
L520A2520 nm110 mW (Min)225 mA5.9 V22°Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm
DJ532-10532 nm10 mW220 mA1.9 V0.69°0.69°Single Transverse ModeØ9.5 mm (non-standard)
DJ532-40532 nm40 mW330 mA1.9 V0.69°0.69°Single Transverse ModeØ9.5 mm (non-standard)
LP633-SF50633 nm50 mW170 mA2.6 V--Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm, SM Pigtail
HL63163DG633 nm100 mW170 mA2.6 V8.5°18°Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm
LPS-635-FC635 nm2.5 mW70 mA2.2 V--Single Transverse ModeØ9 mm, SM Pigtail
LPS-PM635-FC635 nm2.5 mW60 mA2.2 V--Single Transverse ModeØ9.0 mm, PM Pigtail
L635P5635 nm5 mW30 mA<2.7 V32°Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm
HL6312G635 nm5 mW50 mA<2.7 V31°Single Transverse ModeØ9 mm
LPM-635-SMA635 nm8 mW50 mA2.2 V--MultimodeØ9 mm, MM Pigtail
LP635-SF8635 nm8 mW60 mA2.3 V--Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm, SM Pigtail
HL6320G635 nm10 mW60 mA2.2 V31°Single Transverse ModeØ9 mm
HL6322G635 nm15 mW75 mA2.4 V30°Single Transverse ModeØ9 mm
L637P5637 nm5 mW20 mA<2.4 V34°Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm
LP637-SF50637 nm50 mW140 mA2.6 V--Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm, SM Pigtail
LP637-SF70637 nm70 mW220 mA2.7 V--Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm, SM Pigtail
HL63142DG637 nm100 mW140 mA2.7 V18°Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm
HL63133DG637 nm170 mW250 mA2.8 V17°Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm
HL6388MG637 nm250 mW340 mA2.3 V10°40°MultimodeØ5.6 mm
L637G1637 nm1200 mW1100 mA2.5 V10°32°MultimodeØ9 mm (non-standard)
L638P040638 nm40 mW92 mA2.4 V10°21°Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm
L638P150638 nm150 mW230 mA2.7 V918Single Transverse ModeØ3.8 mm
L638P200638 nm200 mW280 mA2.9 V814Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm
L638P700M638 nm700 mW820 mA2.2 V35°MultimodeØ5.6 mm
HL6358MG639 nm10 mW40 mA2.4 V21°Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm
HL6323MG639 nm30 mW100 mA2.5 V8.5°30°Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm
HL6362MG640 nm40 mW90 mA2.5 V10°21°Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm
LP642-SF20642 nm20 mW90 mA2.5 V--Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm, SM Pigtail
LP642-PF20642 nm20 mW110 mA2.5 V--Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm, PM Pigtail
HL6364DG642 nm60 mW120 mA2.5 V10°21°Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm
HL6366DG642 nm80 mW150 mA2.5 V10°21°Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm
HL6385DG642 nm150 mW250 mA2.6 V17°Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm
L650P007650 nm7 mW28 mA2.2 V28°Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm
LPS-660-FC658 nm7.5 mW65 mA2.6 V--Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm, SM Pigtail
LP660-SF20658 nm20 mW80 mA2.6 V--Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm, SM Pigtail
LPM-660-SMA658 nm22.5 mW65 mA2.6 V--MultimodeØ5.6 mm, MM Pigtail
HL6501MG658 nm30 mW75 mA2.6 V8.5°22°Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm
L658P040658 nm40 mW75 mA2.2 V10°20°Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm
LP660-SF40658 nm40 mW135 mA2.5 V--Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm, SM Pigtail
LP660-SF60658 nm60 mW210 mA2.4 V--Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm, SM Pigtail
HL6544FM660 nm50 mW115 mA2.3 V10°17°Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm
LP660-SF50660 nm50 mW140 mA2.3 V--Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm, SM Pigtail
HL6545MG660 nm120 mW170 mA2.45 V10°17°Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm
L660P120660 nm120 mW175 mA2.5 V10°17°Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm
L670VH1670 nm1 mW2.5 mA2.6 V10°10°Single Transverse ModeTO-46
LPS-675-FC670 nm2.5 mW55 mA2.2 V--Single Transverse ModeØ9 mm, SM Pigtail
HL6748MG670 nm10 mW30 mA2.2 V25°Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm
HL6714G670 nm10 mW55 mA<2.7 V22°Single Transverse ModeØ9 mm
HL6756MG670 nm15 mW35 mA2.3 V24°Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm
LP685-SF15685 nm15 mW55 mA2.1 V--Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm, SM Pigtail
HL6750MG685 nm50 mW70 mA2.3 V21°Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm
HL6738MG690 nm30 mW85 mA2.5 V8.5°19°Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm
LP705-SF15705 nm15 mW55 mA2.3 V--Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm, SM Pigtail
HL7001MG705 nm40 mW75 mA2.5 V18°Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm
LP730-SF15730 nm15 mW70 mA2.5 V--Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm, SM Pigtail
HL7302MG730 nm40 mW75 mA2.5 V18°Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm
L760VH1760 nm0.5 mW3 mA (Max)2.2 V12°12°Single FrequencyTO-46
DBR760PN761 nm9 mW125 mA2.0 V--Single FrequencyButterfly, PM Pigtail
L763VH1763 nm0.5 mW3 mA (Max)2.0 V10°10°Single FrequencyTO-46
DBR767PN767 nm23 mW220 mA1.87 V--Single FrequencyButterfly, PM Pigtail
DBR770PN770 nm35 mW220 mA1.92 V--Single FrequencyButterfly, PM Pigtail
L780P010780 nm10 mW24 mA1.8 V30°Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm
DBR780PN780 nm45 mW250 mA1.9 V--Single FrequencyButterfly, PM Pigtail
L785P5785 nm5 mW28 mA1.9 V10°29°Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm
LPS-PM785-FC785 nm6.5 mW60 mA---Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm, PM Pigtail
LPS-785-FC785 nm10 mW65 mA1.85 V--Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm, SM Pigtail
LP785-SF20785 nm20 mW85 mA1.9 V--Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm, SM Pigtail
DBR785S785 nm25 mW230 mA2.0 V--Single FrequencyButterfly, SM Pigtail
DBR785P785 nm25 mW230 mA2.0 V--Single FrequencyButterfly, PM Pigtail
L785P25785 nm25 mW45 mA1.9 V30°Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm
FPV785S785 nm50 mW410 mA2.2 V--Single FrequencyButterfly, SM Pigtail
FPV785P785 nm50 mW410 mA2.1 V--Single FrequencyButterfly, PM Pigtail
LP785-SAV50785 nm50 mW500 mA2.2 V--Single FrequencyØ9 mm, SM Pigtail
L785P090785 nm90 mW125 mA2.0 V10°17°Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm
LP785-SF100785 nm100 mW300 mA2.0 V--Single Transverse ModeØ9 mm, SM Pigtail
FPL785P785 nm200 mW500 mA2.1 V--Single Transverse ModeButterfly, PM Pigtail
FPL785S-250785 nm250 mW (Min)500 mA2.0 V--Single Transverse ModeButterfly, SM Pigtail
LD785-SEV300785 nm300 mW500 mA (Max)2.0 V16°Single FrequencyØ9 mm
LD785-SH300785 nm300 mW400 mA2.0 V18°Single Transverse ModeØ9 mm
FPL785C785 nm300 mW400 mA2.0 V18°Single Transverse Mode3 mm x 5 mm Submount
LD785-SE400785 nm400 mW550 mA2.0 V16°Single Transverse ModeØ9 mm
FPV785M785 nm600 mW1100 mA1.9 V--MultimodeButterfly, MM Pigtail
L795VH1795 nm0.25 mW1.2 mA1.8 V20°12°Single FrequencyTO-46
DBR795PN795 nm40 mW230 mA2.0 V--Single FrequencyButterfly, PM Pigtail
DBR808PN808 nm42 mW250 mA2 V--Single FrequencyButterfly, PM Pigtail
LP808-SA60808 nm60 mW150 mA1.9 V--Single Transverse ModeØ9 mm, SM Pigtail
M9-808-0150808 nm150 mW180 mA1.9 V17°Single Transverse ModeØ9 mm
L808P200808 nm200 mW260 mA2 V10°30°MultimodeØ5.6 mm
FPL808P808 nm200 mW600 mA2.1 V--Single Transverse ModeButterfly, PM Pigtail
FPL808S808 nm200 mW750 mA2.3 V--Single Transverse ModeButterfly, SM Pigtail
L808H1808 nm300 mW400 mA2.1 V14°Single Transverse ModeØ9 mm
LD808-SE500808 nm500 mW750 mA2.2 V14°Single Transverse ModeØ9 mm
LD808-SEV500808 nm500 mW800 mA (Max)2.2 V14°Single FrequencyØ9 mm
L808P500MM808 nm500 mW650 mA1.8 V12°30°MultimodeØ5.6 mm
L808P1000MM808 nm1000 mW1100 mA2 V30°MultimodeØ9 mm
DBR816PN816 nm45 mW250 mA1.95 V--Single FrequencyButterfly, PM Pigtail
LP820-SF80820 nm80 mW230 mA2.3 V--Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm, SM Pigtail
L820P100820 nm100 mW145 mA2.1 V17°Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm
L820P200820 nm200 mW250 mA2.4 V17°Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm
DBR828PN828 nm24 mW250 mA2.0 V--Single FrequencyButterfly, PM Pigtail
LPS-830-FC830 nm10 mW120 mA---Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm, SM Pigtail
LPS-PM830-FC830 nm10 mW50 mA2.0 V--Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm, PM Pigtail
LP830-SF30830 nm30 mW115 mA1.9 V--Single Transverse ModeØ9 mm, SM Pigtail
HL8338MG830 nm50 mW75 mA1.9 V22°Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm
L830H1830 nm250 mW3 A (Max)2 V10°Single Transverse ModeØ9 mm
FPL830P830 nm300 mW900 mA2.22 V--Single Transverse ModeButterfly, PM Pigtail
FPL830S830 nm350 mW900 mA2.5 V--Single Transverse ModeButterfly, SM Pigtail
LD830-SE650830 nm650 mW900 mA2.3 V13°Single Transverse ModeØ9 mm
LD830-MA1W830 nm1 W2 A2.1 V24°MultimodeØ9 mm
LD830-ME2W830 nm2 W3 A (Max)2.0 V21°MultimodeØ9 mm
L840P200840 nm200 mW255 mA2.4 V917Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm
L850VH1850 nm1 mW6 mA (Max)2 V12°12°Single FrequencyTO-46
L850P010850 nm10 mW50 mA2 V10°30°Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm
L850P030850 nm30 mW65 mA2 V8.5°30°Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm
FPV852S852 nm20 mW400 mA2.2 V--Single FrequencyButterfly, SM Pigtail
FPV852P852 nm20 mW400 mA2.2 V--Single FrequencyButterfly, PM Pigtail
DBR852PN852 nm24 mW300 mA2.0 V--Single FrequencyButterfly, PM Pigtail
LP852-SF30852 nm30 mW115 mA1.9 V--Single Transverse ModeØ9 mm, SM Pigtail
L852P50852 nm50 mW75 mA1.9 V22°Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm
LP852-SF60852 nm60 mW150 mA2.0 V--Single Transverse ModeØ9 mm, SM Pigtail
L852P100852 nm100 mW120 mA1.9 V28°Single Transverse ModeØ9 mm
L852P150852 nm150 mW170 mA1.9 V18°Single Transverse ModeØ9 mm
L852SEV1852 nm270 mW400 mA (Max)2.0 V12°Single FrequencyØ9 mm
L852H1852 nm300 mW415 mA (Max)2 V15°Single Transverse ModeØ9 mm
FPL852P852 nm300 mW900 mA2.35 V--Single Transverse ModeButterfly, PM Pigtail
FPL852S852 nm350 mW900 mA2.5 V--Single Transverse ModeButterfly, SM Pigtail
LD852-SE600852 nm600 mW950 mA2.3 V7° (1/e2)13° (1/e2)Single Transverse ModeØ9 mm
LD852-SEV600852 nm600 mW1050 mA (Max)2.2 V13° (1/e2)Single FrequencyØ9 mm
LP880-SF3880 nm3 mW25 mA2.2 V--Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm, SM Pigtail
L880P010880 nm10 mW30 mA2.0 V12°37°Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm
L895VH1895 nm0.2 mW1.4 mA1.6 V20°13°Single FrequencyTO-46
DBR895PN895 nm12 mW300 mA2 V--Single FrequencyButterfly, PM Pigtail
LP904-SF3904 nm3 mW30 mA1.5 V--Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm, SM Pigtail
L904P010904 nm10 mW50 mA2.0 V10°30°Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm
LP915-SF40915 nm40 mW130 mA1.5 V--Single Transverse ModeØ9 mm, SM Pigtail
DBR935PN935 nm13 mW300 mA1.75 V--Single FrequencyButterfly, PM Pigtail
LP940-SF30940 nm30 mW90 mA1.5 V--Single Transverse ModeØ9 mm, SM Pigtail
M9-940-0200940 nm200 mW270 mA1.9 V28°Single Transverse ModeØ9 mm
L960H1960 nm250 mW400 mA2.1 V11°12°Single Transverse ModeØ9 mm
FPV976S976 nm30 mW400 mA (Max)2.2 V--Single FrequencyButterfly, SM Pigtail
FPV976P976 nm30 mW400 mA (Max)2.2 V--Single FrequencyButterfly, PM Pigtail
DBR976PN976 nm33 mW450 mA2.0 V--Single FrequencyButterfly, PM Pigtail
L976SEV1976 nm270 mW400 mA (Max)2.0 V12°Single FrequencyØ9 mm
BL976-SAG3976 nm300 mW470 mA2.0 V--Single Transverse ModeButterfly, SM Pigtail
BL976-PAG500976 nm500 mW830 mA2.0 V--Single Transverse ModeButterfly, PM Pigtail
BL976-PAG700976 nm700 mW1090 mA2.0 V--Single Transverse ModeButterfly, PM Pigtail
BL976-PAG900976 nm900 mW1480 mA2.5 V--Single Transverse ModeButterfly, PM Pigtail
L980P010980 nm10 mW25 mA2 V10°30°Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm
LP980-SF15980 nm15 mW70 mA1.5 V--Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm, SM Pigtail
L980P030980 nm30 mW50 mA1.5 V10°35°Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm
L980P100A980 nm100 mW150 mA1.6 V32°MultimodeØ5.6 mm
LP980-SA60980 nm60 mW230 mA2.0 V--Single Transverse ModeØ9.0 mm, SM Pigtail
L980H1980 nm200 mW300 mA (Max)2.0 V13°Single Transverse ModeØ9 mm
L980P200980 nm200 mW300 mA1.5 V30°MultimodeØ5.6 mm
DBR1060SN1060 nm130 mW650 mA2.0 V--Single FrequencyButterfly, SM Pigtail
DBR1060PN1060 nm130 mW650 mA1.8 V--Single FrequencyButterfly, PM Pigtail
DBR1064S1064 nm40 mW150 mA2.0 V--Single FrequencyButterfly, SM Pigtail
DBR1064P1064 nm40 mW150 mA2.0 V--Single FrequencyButterfly, PM Pigtail
DBR1064PN1064 nm110 mW550 mA2.0 V--Single FrequencyButterfly, PM Pigtail
LPS-1060-FC1064 nm50 mW220 mA1.4 V--Single Transverse ModeØ9 mm, SM Pigtail
M9-A64-02001064 nm200 mW280 mA1.7 V28°Single Transverse ModeØ9 mm
L1064H11064 nm300 mW700 mA1.92 V7.6°13.5°Single Transverse ModeØ9 mm
L1064H21064 nm450 mW1100 mA1.92 V7.6°13.5°Single Transverse ModeØ9 mm
DBR1083PN1083 nm100 mW500 mA1.75 V--Single FrequencyButterfly, PM Pigtail
L1270P5DFB1270 nm5 mW15 mA1.1 VSingle FrequencyØ5.6 mm
L1290P5DFB1290 nm5 mW16 mA1.0 VSingle FrequencyØ5.6 mm
LP1310-SAD21310 nm2.0 mW40 mA1.1 V--Single FrequencyØ5.6 mm, SM Pigtail
LP1310-PAD21310 nm2.0 mW40 mA1.0 V--Single FrequencyØ5.6 mm, PM Pigtail
LPS-PM1310-FC1310 nm2.5 mW20 mA1.1 V--Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm, PM Pigtail
L1310P5DFB1310 nm5 mW16 mA1.0 VSingle FrequencyØ5.6 mm
LPSC-1310-FC1310 nm50 mW350 mA2 V--Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm, SM Pigtail
FPL1053S1310 nm130 mW400 mA1.7 V--Single Transverse ModeButterfly, SM Pigtail
FPL1053P1310 nm130 mW400 mA1.7 V--Single Transverse ModeButterfly, PM Pigtail
FPL1053T1310 nm300 mW (Pulsed)750 mA2 V15°28°Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm
FPL1053C1310 nm300 mW (Pulsed)750 mA2 V15°27°Single Transverse ModeChip on Submount
L1310G11310 nm2000 mW5 A1.5 V24°MultimodeØ9 mm
L1330P5DFB1330 nm5 mW14 mA1.0 VSingle FrequencyØ5.6 mm
L1370G11370 nm2000 mW5 A1.4 V22°MultimodeØ9 mm
BL1425-PAG5001425 nm500 mW1600 mA2.0 V--Single Transverse ModeButterfly, PM Pigtail
BL1436-PAG5001436 nm500 mW1600 mA2.0 V--Single Transverse ModeButterfly, PM Pigtail
L1450G11450 nm2000 mW5 A1.4 V22°MultimodeØ9 mm
BL1456-PAG5001456 nm500 mW1600 mA2.0 V--Single Transverse ModeButterfly, PM Pigtail
L1470P5DFB1470 nm5 mW19 mA1.0 VSingle FrequencyØ5.6 mm
L1480G11480 nm2000 mW5 A1.6 V20°MultimodeØ9 mm
L1490P5DFB1490 nm5 mW24 mA1.0 VSingle FrequencyØ5.6 mm
L1510P5DFB1510 nm5 mW20 mA1.0 VSingle FrequencyØ5.6 mm
L1530P5DFB1530 nm5 mW21 mA1.0 VSingle FrequencyØ5.6 mm
LPS-1550-FC1550 nm1.5 mW30 mA1.0 V--Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm, SM Pigtail
LPS-PM1550-FC1550 nm1.5 mW30 mA1.1 V--Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm, SM Pigtail
LP1550-SAD21550 nm2.0 mW40 mA1.0 V--Single FrequencyØ5.6 mm, SM Pigtail
LP1550-PAD21550 nm2.0 mW40 mA1.0 V--Single FrequencyØ5.6 mm, PM Pigtail
L1550P5DFB1550 nm5 mW20 mA1.0 V10°Single FrequencyØ5.6 mm
ML925B45F1550 nm5 mW30 mA1.1 V25°30°Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm
SFL1550S1550 nm40 mW300 mA1.5 V--Single FrequencyButterfly, SM Pigtail
SFL1550P1550 nm40 mW300 mA1.5 V--Single FrequencyButterfly, PM Pigtail
LPSC-1550-FC1550 nm50 mW250 mA2 V--Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm, SM Pigtail
FPL1009S1550 nm100 mW400 mA1.4 V--Single Transverse ModeButterfly, SM Pigtail
FPL1009P1550 nm100 mW400 mA1.4 V--Single Transverse ModeButterfly, PM Pigtail
ULN15PC1550 nm140 mW650 mA3.0 V--Single FrequencyExtended Butterfly, PM Pigtail
ULN15PT1550 nm140 mW650 mA3.0 V--Single FrequencyExtended Butterfly, PM Pigtail
FPL1001C1550 nm150 mW400 mA1.4 V18°31°Single Transverse ModeChip on Submount
FPL1055T1550 nm300 mW (Pulsed)750 mA2 V15°28°Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm
FPL1055C1550 nm300 mW (Pulsed)750 mA2 V15°28°Single Transverse ModeChip on Submount
L1550G11550 nm1700 mW5 A1.5 V28°MultimodeØ9 mm
DFB15501555 nm100 mW (Min)1000 mA (Max)3.0 V--Single FrequencyButterfly, SM Pigtail
DFB1550N1555 nm130 mW (Min)1800 mA (Max)3.0 V--Single FrequencyButterfly, SM Pigtail
DFB1550P1555 nm100 mW (Min)1000 mA (Max)3.0 V--Single FrequencyButterfly, PM Pigtail
DFB1550PN1555 nm130 mW (Min)1800 mA (Max)3.0 V--Single FrequencyButterfly, PM Pigtail
L1570P5DFB1570 nm5 mW25 mA1.0 VSingle FrequencyØ5.6 mm
L1575G11575 nm1700 mW5 A1.5 V28°MultimodeØ9 mm
LPSC-1625-FC1625 nm50 mW350 mA1.5 V--Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm, SM Pigtail
FPL1054S1625 nm80 mW400 mA1.7 V--Single Transverse ModeButterfly, SM Pigtail
FPL1054P1625 nm80 mW400 mA1.7 V--Single Transverse ModeButterfly, PM Pigtail
FPL1054C1625 nm250 mW (Pulsed)750 mA2 V15°28°Single Transverse ModeChip on Submount
FPL1054T1625 nm200 mW (Pulsed)750 mA2 V15°28°Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm
DFB16421642 nm80 mW900 mA (Max)3.0 V--Single FrequencyButterfly, SM Pigtail
DFB1642P1642 nm80 mW900 mA (Max)3.0 V--Single FrequencyButterfly, PM Pigtail
DFB16461646 nm80 mW900 mA (Max)3.0 V--Single FrequencyButterfly, SM Pigtail
DFB1646P1646 nm80 mW900 mA (Max)3.0 V--Single FrequencyButterfly, PM Pigtail
FPL1059S1650 nm80 mW400 mA1.7 V--Single Transverse ModeButterfly, SM Pigtail
FPL1059P1650 nm80 mW400 mA1.7 V--Single Transverse ModeButterfly, PM Pigtail
DFB16501650 nm80 mW900 mA (Max)3.0 V--Single FrequencyButterfly, SM Pigtail
DFB1650P1650 nm80 mW900 mA (Max)3.0 V--Single FrequencyButterfly, PM Pigtail
FPL1059C1650 nm225 mW (Pulsed)750 mA2 V15°28°Single Transverse ModeChip on Submount
FPL1059T1650 nm225 mW (Pulsed)750 mA2 V15°28°Single Transverse ModeØ5.6 mm
DFB16541654 nm80 mW900 mA (Max)3.0 V--Single FrequencyButterfly, SM Pigtail
DFB1654P1654 nm80 mW900 mA (Max)3.0 V--Single FrequencyButterfly, PM Pigtail
FPL1940S1940 nm15 mW400 mA2 V--Single Transverse ModeButterfly, SM Pigtail
FPL2000S2 µm15 mW400 mA2 V--Single Transverse ModeButterfly, SM Pigtail
FPL2000C2 µm30 mW400 mA5.2 V19°Single Transverse ModeChip on Submount
ID3250HHLH3.00 - 3.50 µm (DFB)5 mW400 mA (Max)5 V6 mrad (0.34°)6 mrad (0.34°)Single FrequencyHorizontal HHL
IF3400T13.40 µm (FP)30 mW300 mA4 V40°70°Single Transverse ModeØ9 mm
ID3750HHLH3.50 - 4.00 µm (DFB)5 mW300 mA (Max)5 V6 mrad (0.34°)6 mrad (0.34°)Single FrequencyHorizontal HHL
QF3850T13.85 µm (FP)200 mW600 mA (Max)13.5 V30°40°Single Transverse ModeØ9 mm
QF3850HHLH3.85 µm (FP)320 mW (Min)1100 mA (Max)13 V6 mrad (0.34°)6 mrad (0.34°)Single Transverse ModeHorizontal HHL
QF4040HHLH4.05 µm (FP)320 mW (Min)1100 mA (Max)13 V6 mrad (0.34°)6 mrad (0.34°)Single Transverse ModeHorizontal HHL
QD4500CM14.00 - 5.00 µm (DFB)40 mW500 mA (Max)10.5 V30°40°Single FrequencyTwo-Tab C-Mount
QD4500HHLH4.00 - 5.00 µm (DFB)80 mW500 mA (Max)11 V6 mrad (0.34°)6 mrad (0.34°)Single FrequencyHorizontal HHL
QF4050T24.05 µm (FP)70 mW250 mA12 V30°40°Single Transverse ModeØ9 mm
QF4050C24.05 µm (FP)300 mW400 mA12 V3042Single Transverse ModeTwo-Tab C-Mount
QF4050T14.05 µm (FP)300 mW600 mA (Max)12.0 V30°40°Single Transverse ModeØ9 mm
QF4050D24.05 µm (FP)800 mW750 mA13 V30°40°Single Transverse ModeD-Mount
QF4050D34.05 µm (FP)1200 mW1000 mA13 V30°40°Single Transverse ModeD-Mount
QD4472HH4.472 µm (DFB)85 mW500 mA (Max)11 V6 mrad (0.34°)6 mrad (0.34°)Single FrequencyHorizontal HHL
QF4600T24.60 µm (FP)200 mW500 mA (Max)13.0 V30°40°Single Transverse ModeØ9 mm
QF4600T14.60 µm (FP)400 mW800 mA (Max)12.0 V30°40°Single Transverse ModeØ9 mm
QF4600C24.60 µm (FP)600 mW600 mA12 V30°42°Single Transverse ModeTwo-Tab C-Mount
QF4600T34.60 µm (FP)1000 mW800 mA (Max)13 V30°40°Single Transverse ModeØ9 mm
QF4600D44.60 µm (FP)2500 mW1800 mA12.5 V40°30°Single Transverse ModeD-Mount
QF4600D34.60 µm (FP)3000 mW1700 mA12.5 V30°40°Single Transverse ModeD-Mount
QD4602HH4.602 µm (DFB)150 mW1000 mA (Max)12 V6 mrad (0.34°)6 mrad (0.34°)Single FrequencyHorizontal HHL
QF4650HHLH4.65 µm (FP)1500 mW (Min)1100 mA12 V6 mrad (0.34°)6 mrad (0.34°)Single Transverse ModeHorizontal HHL
QD5500CM15.00 - 6.00 µm (DFB)40 mW700 mA (Max)9.5 V30°45°Single FrequencyTwo-Tab C-Mount
QD5500HHLH5.00 - 6.00 µm (DFB)150 mW500 mA (Max)11 V6 mrad (0.34°)6 mrad (0.34°)Single FrequencyHorizontal HHL
QD5250C25.20 - 5.30 µm (DFB)60 mW700 mA (Max)9.5 V30°45°Single FrequencyTwo-Tab C-Mount
QD5263HH5.263 µm (DFB)130 mW1000 mA (Max)12 V6 mrad (0.34°)6 mrad (0.34°)Single FrequencyHorizontal HHL
QD6500CM16.00 - 7.00 µm (DFB)40 mW650 mA (Max)10 V35°50°Single FrequencyTwo-Tab C-Mount
QD6500HHLH6.00 - 7.00 µm (DFB)80 mW600 mA (Max)11 V6 mrad (0.34°)6 mrad (0.34°)Single FrequencyHorizontal HHL
QD6134HH6.134 µm (DFB)50 mW1000 mA (Max)12 V6 mrad (0.34°)6 mrad (0.34°)Single FrequencyHorizontal HHL
QD7500CM17.00 - 8.00 µm (DFB)40 mW600 mA (Max)10 V40°50°Single FrequencyTwo-Tab C-Mount
QD7500HHLH7.00 - 8.00 µm (DFB)50 mW700 mA (Max)12 V6 mrad (0.34°)6 mrad (0.34°)Single FrequencyHorizontal HHL
QD7500DM17.00 - 8.00 µm (DFB)100 mW600 mA (Max)11.5 V40°55°Single FrequencyD-Mount
QD7416HH7.416 µm (DFB)100 mW1000 mA (Max)12 V6 mrad (0.34°)6 mrad (0.34°)Single FrequencyHorizontal HHL
QD7716HH7.716 µm (DFB)30 mW1000 mA (Max)12 V6 mrad (0.34°)6 mrad (0.34°)Single FrequencyHorizontal HHL
QF7900HB7.9 µm (FP)700 mW1600 mA (Max)9 V6 mrad (0.34°)6 mrad (0.34°)Single Transverse ModeHorizontal HHL
QD7901HH7.901 µm (DFB)50 mW700 mA (Max)10 V6 mrad (0.34°)6 mrad (0.34°)Single FrequencyHorizontal HHL
QD8050CM18.00 - 8.10 µm (DFB)100 mW1000 mA (Max)9.5 V55°70°Single FrequencyTwo-Tab C-Mount
QD8500CM18.00 - 9.00 µm (DFB)100 mW900 mA (Max)9.5 V40°55°Single FrequencyTwo-Tab C-Mount
QD8500HHLH8.00 - 9.00 µm (DFB)100 mW600 mA (Max)10.2 V6 mrad (0.34°)6 mrad (0.34°)Single FrequencyHorizontal HHL
QF8450C28.45 µm (FP)300 mW750 mA9 V40°60°Single Transverse ModeTwo-Tab C-Mount
QF8500HB8.5 µm (FP)500 mW2000 mA (Max)9 V6 mrad (0.34°)6 mrad (0.34°)Single Transverse ModeHorizontal HHL
QD8650CM18.60 - 8.70 µm (DFB)50 mW900 mA (Max)9.5 V55°70°Single FrequencyTwo-Tab C-Mount
QD8912HH8.912 µm (DFB)150 mW1000 mA (Max)12 V6 mrad (0.34°)6 mrad (0.34°)Single FrequencyHorizontal HHL
QD9500CM19.00 - 10.00 µm (DFB)60 mW800 mA (Max)9.5 V40°55°Single FrequencyTwo-Tab C-Mount
QD9500HHLH9.00 - 10.00 µm (DFB)100 mW600 mA (Max)10.2 V6 mrad (0.34°)6 mrad (0.34°)Single FrequencyHorizontal HHL
QD9062HH9.062 µm (DFB)130 mW1000 mA (Max)12 V6 mrad (0.34°)6 mrad (0.34°)Single FrequencyHorizontal HHL
QF9150C29.15 µm (FP)200 mW850 mA11 V40°60°Single Transverse ModeTwo-Tab C-Mount
QF9200HB9.2 µm (FP)250 mW2000 mA (Max)9 V6 mrad (0.34°)6 mrad (0.34°)Single Transverse ModeHorizontal HHL
QF9500T19.5 µm (FP)300 mW550 mA12 V40°55°Single Transverse ModeØ9 mm
QD9550C29.50 - 9.60 µm (DFB)60 mW800 mA (Max)9.5 V40°55°Single FrequencyTwo-Tab C-Mount
QF9550CM19.55 µm (FP)80 mW1500 mA7.8 V35°60°Single Transverse ModeTwo-Tab C-Mount
QD9697HH9.697 µm (DFB)80 mW1000 mA (Max)12 V6 mrad (0.34°)6 mrad (0.34°)Single FrequencyHorizontal HHL
QD10500CM110.00 - 11.00 µm (DFB)40 mW600 mA (Max)10 V40°55°Single FrequencyTwo-Tab C-Mount
QD10500HHLH10.00 - 11.00 µm (DFB)50 mW700 mA (Max)12 V6 mrad (0.34°)6 mrad (0.34°)Single FrequencyHorizontal HHL
QD10530HH10.530 µm (DFB)50 mW1000 mA (Max)12 V6 mrad (0.34°)6 mrad (0.34°)Single FrequencyHorizontal HHL
QD10549HH10.549 µm (DFB)60 mW1000 mA (Max)12 V6 mrad (0.34°)6 mrad (0.34°)Single FrequencyHorizontal HHL
QD10622HH10.622 µm (DFB)60 mW1000 mA (Max)12 V6 mrad (0.34°)6 mrad (0.34°)Single FrequencyHorizontal HHL

The rows shaded green above denote single-frequency lasers.
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405 - 488 nm Pigtails

Item # Info Wavelength Power
Drive Currenta
Package Compatible
Laser Mode Recommended
LP405-SF10 info 405 nm 10 mW 50 mA / 60 mA Bb Ø5.6 mm SM Pigtail, FC/PC S7060Rc Yes Single Transverse Mode LDM9LP or
LP450-SF25 info 450 nm 25 mW 75 mA / 140 mA G Ø5.6 mm SM Pigtail, FC/PC S7060Rc Yes Single Transverse Mode LDM9LP or
LP488-SF20 info 488 nm 20 mW 70 mA / 110 mA Bb Ø5.6 mm SM Pigtail, FC/PC S7060Rc Yes Single Transverse Mode LDM9LP or
LP488-SF20G info 488 nm 20 mW 80 mA / 120 mA G Ø5.6 mm SM Pigtail, FC/PC S7060Rc Yes Single Transverse Mode LDM9LP or
  • Do not exceed the maximum optical power or maximum drive current, whichever occurs first.
  • Laser diodes with A, B, C, or D pin codes have a built-in monitor photodiode and therefore support constant power operation.
  • This socket is included with the purchase of the corresponding laser diode.
  • The ITC4001 driver is only necessary if the LDM9LP mount or a custom mount is used, as the CLD1010LP and CLD1011LP are each a combined mount and driver.
Based on your currency / country selection, your order will ship from Newton, New Jersey  
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
Choose ItemLP405-SF10 Support Documentation
LP405-SF10405 nm, 10 mW, B Pin Code, SM Fiber-Pigtailed Laser Diode, FC/PC
Choose ItemLP450-SF25 Support Documentation
LP450-SF25Customer Inspired! 450 nm, 25 mW, G Pin Code, SM Fiber-Pigtailed Laser Diode, FC/PC
Choose ItemLP488-SF20 Support Documentation
LP488-SF20488 nm, 20 mW, B Pin Code, SM Fiber-Pigtailed Laser Diode, FC/PC
Choose ItemLP488-SF20G Support Documentation
LP488-SF20G488 nm, 20 mW, G Pin Code, SM Fiber-Pigtailed Laser Diode, FC/PC
Back to Top

515 - 520 nm Pigtails

Item # Info Wavelength Power
Drive Currenta
Package Compatible
Laser Mode Recommended
LP515-SF3 info 515 nm 3 mW 50 mA / 100 mA Ab Ø5.6 mm SM Pigtail, FC/PC S7060Rc Yes Single Transverse Mode LDM9LP or
LP520-SF15A info 520 nm 15 mW 100 mA / 160 mA Ab Ø5.6 mm SM Pigtail, FC/PC S7060Rc Yes Single Transverse Mode LDM9LP or
  • Do not exceed the maximum optical power or maximum drive current, whichever occurs first.
  • Laser diodes with A, B, C, or D pin codes have a built-in monitor photodiode and therefore support constant power operation.
  • This socket is included with the purchase of the corresponding laser diode.
  • The ITC4001 driver is only necessary if the LDM9LP mount or a custom mount is used, as the CLD1010LP is both a mount and a driver.
Based on your currency / country selection, your order will ship from Newton, New Jersey  
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
Choose ItemLP515-SF3 Support Documentation
LP515-SF3515 nm, 3 mW, A Pin Code, SM Fiber-Pigtailed Laser Diode, FC/PC
Choose ItemLP520-SF15A Support Documentation
LP520-SF15A520 nm, 15 mW, A Pin Code, SM Fiber-Pigtailed Laser Diode, FC/PC
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633 - 685 nm Pigtails

Item # Info Wavelength Power
Drive Currenta
Package Compatible
Laser Mode Recommended
LP633-SF50 info 633 nm 50 mW 170 mA / 210 mA G Ø5.6 mm SM Pigtail, FC/PC S7060Rc Yes Single Transverse Mode LDM9LP or
LPS-635-FC info 635 nm 2.5 mW 70 mA / 95 mA Ab Ø9 mm SM Pigtail, FC/PC S8060 or
Yes Single Transverse Mode LDM9LP or
LP635-SF8 info 635 nm 8 mW 85 mA / 100 mA Ab Ø5.6 mm SM Pigtail, FC/PC S7060Rc Yes Single Transverse Mode LDM9LP or
LP637-SF50 info 637 nm 50 mW 140 mA / 180 mA Ab Ø5.6 mm SM Pigtail, FC/PC S7060Rc Yes Single Transverse Mode LDM9LP or
LP637-SF70 info 637 nm 70 mW 220 mA / 300 mA G Ø5.6 mm SM Pigtail, FC/PC S7060Rc Yes Single Transverse Mode LDM9LP or
LP642-SF20 info 642 nm 20 mW 90 mA / 140 mA Ab Ø5.6 mm SM Pigtail, FC/PC S7060Rc Yes Single Transverse Mode LDM9LP or
LPS-660-FC info 658 nm 7.5 mW 80 mA / 95 mA Cb Ø5.6 mm SM Pigtail, FC/PC S7060Rc Yes Single Transverse Mode LDM9LP or
LP660-SF20 info 658 nm 20 mW 80 mA / 110 mA Ab Ø5.6 mm SM Pigtail, FC/PC S7060Rc Yes Single Transverse Mode LDM9LP or
LP660-SF40 info 658 nm 40 mW 135 mA / 170 mA H Ø5.6 mm SM Pigtail, FC/PC S7060Rc Yes Single Transverse Mode LDM9LP or
LP660-SF60 info 658 nm 60 mW 210 mA / 250 mA H Ø5.6 mm SM Pigtail, FC/PC S7060Rc Yes Single Transverse Mode LDM9LP or
LP660-SF50 info 660 nm 50 mW 140 mA / 200 mA Cb Ø5.6 mm SM Pigtail, FC/PC S7060Rc Yes Single Transverse Mode LDM9LP or
LPS-675-FC info 670 nm 2.5 mW 55 mA / 90 mA Ab Ø9 mm SM Pigtail, FC/PC S8060 or
Yes Single Transverse Mode LDM9LP or
LP685-SF15 info 685 nm 15 mW 55 mA / 80 mA Cb Ø5.6 mm SM Pigtail, FC/PC S7060Rc Yes Single Transverse Mode LDM9LP or
  • Do not exceed the maximum optical power or maximum drive current, whichever occurs first.
  • Laser diodes with A, B, C, or D pin codes have a built-in monitor photodiode and therefore support constant power operation.
  • This socket is included with the purchase of the corresponding laser diode.
  • The ITC4001 driver is only necessary if the LDM9LP mount or a custom mount is used, as the CLD1010LP and CLD1011LP are each a combined mount and driver.
Based on your currency / country selection, your order will ship from Newton, New Jersey  
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
Choose ItemLP633-SF50 Support Documentation
LP633-SF50633 nm, 50 mW, G Pin Code, SM Fiber-Pigtailed Laser Diode, FC/PC
Choose ItemLPS-635-FC Support Documentation
LPS-635-FC635 nm, 2.5 mW, A Pin Code, SM Fiber-Pigtailed Laser Diode, FC/PC
Choose ItemLP635-SF8 Support Documentation
LP635-SF8635 nm, 8.0 mW, A Pin Code, SM Fiber-Pigtailed Laser Diode, FC/PC
Choose ItemLP637-SF50 Support Documentation
LP637-SF50637 nm, 50 mW, A Pin Code, SM Fiber-Pigtailed Laser Diode, FC/PC
Choose ItemLP637-SF70 Support Documentation
LP637-SF70637 nm, 70 mW, G Pin Code, SM Fiber-Pigtailed Laser Diode, FC/PC
Choose ItemLP642-SF20 Support Documentation
LP642-SF20642 nm, 20 mW, A Pin Code, SM Fiber-Pigtailed Laser Diode, FC/PC
Choose ItemLPS-660-FC Support Documentation
LPS-660-FC658 nm, 7.5 mW, C Pin Code, SM Fiber-Pigtailed Laser Diode, FC/PC
Choose ItemLP660-SF20 Support Documentation
LP660-SF20658 nm, 20 mW, A Pin Code, SM Fiber-Pigtailed Laser Diode, FC/PC
Choose ItemLP660-SF40 Support Documentation
LP660-SF40658 nm, 40 mW, H Pin Code, SM Fiber-Pigtailed Laser Diode, FC/PC
Choose ItemLP660-SF60 Support Documentation
LP660-SF60658 nm, 60 mW, H Pin Code, SM Fiber-Pigtailed Laser Diode, FC/PC
Choose ItemLP660-SF50 Support Documentation
LP660-SF50660 nm, 50 mW, C Pin Code, SM Fiber-Pigtailed Laser Diode, FC/PC
Choose ItemLPS-675-FC Support Documentation
LPS-675-FC670 nm, 2.5 mW, A Pin Code, SM Fiber-Pigtailed Laser Diode, FC/PC
Choose ItemLP685-SF15 Support Documentation
LP685-SF15685 nm, 15 mW, C Pin Code, SM Fiber-Pigtailed Laser Diode, FC/PC
Back to Top

705 - 830 nm Pigtails

Item # Info Wavelength Power
Drive Currenta
Package Compatible
Laser Mode Recommended
LP705-SF15 info 705 nm 15 mW 55 mA / 80 mA Cb Ø5.6 mm SM Pigtail, FC/PC S7060Rc Yes Single Transverse Mode LDM9LP or
LP730-SF15 info 730 nm 15 mW 70 mA / 100 mA Ab Ø5.6 mm SM Pigtail, FC/PC S7060Rc Yes Single Transverse Mode LDM9LP or
LPS-785-FC info 785 nm 10 mW 65 mA / 90 mA Ab Ø5.6 mm SM Pigtail, FC/PC S7060Rc Yes Single Transverse Mode LDM9LP or
LP785-SF20 info 785 nm 20 mW 85 mA / 120 mA Ab Ø5.6 mm SM Pigtail, FC/PC S7060Rc Yes Single Transverse Mode LDM9LP or
LP785-SF100 info 785 nm 100 mW 300 mA / 450 mA H Ø9 mm SM Pigtail, FC/PC S8060 or
Yes Single Transverse Mode LDM9LP or
LP808-SA60 info 808 nm 60 mW 150 mA /
220 mA
Bb Ø9 mm SM Pigtail, FC/APC S8060 or
Yes Single Transverse Mode LDM9LP or
LP820-SF80 info 820 nm 80 mW 230 mA /
400 mA
Cb Ø5.6 mm SM Pigtail, FC/PC S8060 or
Yes Single Transverse Mode LDM9LP or
LPS-830-FC info 830 nm 10 mW 50 mA / 80 mA Cb Ø5.6 mm SM Pigtail, FC/PC S7060Rc Yes Single Transverse Mode LDM9LP or
LP830-SF30 info 830 nm 30 mW 115 mA / 160 mA Ab Ø9 mm SM Pigtail, FC/PC S8060 or
Yes Single Transverse Mode LDM9LP or
  • Do not exceed the maximum optical power or maximum drive current, whichever occurs first.
  • Laser diodes with A, B, C, or D pin codes have a built-in monitor photodiode and therefore support constant power operation.
  • This socket is included with the purchase of the corresponding laser diode.
  • The ITC4001 driver is only necessary if the LDM9LP mount or a custom mount is used, as the CLD1010LP and CLD1011LP are each a combined mount and driver.
Based on your currency / country selection, your order will ship from Newton, New Jersey  
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
Choose ItemLP705-SF15 Support Documentation
LP705-SF15705 nm, 15 mW, C Pin Code, SM Fiber-Pigtailed Laser Diode, FC/PC
Choose ItemLP730-SF15 Support Documentation
LP730-SF15730 nm, 15 mW, A Pin Code, SM Fiber-Pigtailed Laser Diode, FC/PC
Choose ItemLPS-785-FC Support Documentation
LPS-785-FC785 nm, 10 mW, A Pin Code, SM Fiber-Pigtailed Laser Diode, FC/PC
Choose ItemLP785-SF20 Support Documentation
LP785-SF20785 nm, 20 mW, A Pin Code, SM Fiber-Pigtailed Laser Diode, FC/PC
Choose ItemLP785-SF100 Support Documentation
LP785-SF100785 nm, 100 mW, H Pin Code, SM Fiber-Pigtailed Laser Diode, FC/PC
Choose ItemLP808-SA60 Support Documentation
LP808-SA60Customer Inspired! 808 nm, 60 mW, B Pin Code, SM Fiber-Pigtailed Laser Diode, FC/APC
Choose ItemLP820-SF80 Support Documentation
LP820-SF80820 nm, 80 mW, C Pin Code, SM Fiber-Pigtailed Laser Diode, FC/PC
Choose ItemLPS-830-FC Support Documentation
LPS-830-FC830 nm, 10 mW, C Pin Code, SM Fiber-Pigtailed Laser Diode, FC/PC
Choose ItemLP830-SF30 Support Documentation
LP830-SF30830 nm, 30 mW, A Pin Code, SM Fiber-Pigtailed Laser Diode, FC/PC
Back to Top

852 - 1064 nm Pigtails

Item # Info Wavelength Power
Drive Currenta
Package Compatible
Laser Mode Recommended
LP852-SF30 info 852 nm 30 mW 115 mA / 160 mA Ab Ø9 mm SM Pigtail, FC/PC S8060 or
Yes Single Transverse Mode LDM9LP or
LP852-SF60 info 852 nm 60 mW 150 mA /
220 mA
Ab Ø9 mm SM Pigtail, FC/PC S8060 or
Yes Single Transverse Mode LDM9LP or
LP880-SF3 info 880 nm 3 mW 25 mA / 40 mA Ab Ø5.6 mm SM Pigtail, FC/PC S7060Rd Yes Single Transverse Mode LDM9LP or
LP904-SF3 info 904 nm 3 mw 30 mA / 60 mA Ab Ø5.6 mm SM Pigtail, FC/PC S7060Rd Yes Single Transverse Mode LDM9LP or
LP915-SF40 info 915 nm 40 mW 130 mA / 200 mA Ab Ø9 mm SM Pigtail, FC/PC S8060 or
Yes Single Transverse Mode LDM9LP or
LP940-SF30 info 940 nm 30 mW 90 mA / 120 mA Ab Ø9 mm SM Pigtail, FC/PC S8060 or
Yes Single Transverse Mode LDM9LP or
LP980-SF15 info 980 nm 15 mW 70 mA / 90 mA E Ø5.6 mm SM Pigtail, FC/PC S7060Rd Yes Single Transverse Mode LDM9LP or
LP980-SA60 info 980 nm 60 mW 230 mA /
400 mA
H Ø9.0 mm SM Pigtail, FC/APC S8060 or
Yes Single Transverse Mode LDM9LP or
LPS-1060-FC info 1064 nm 50 mW 220 mA / 300 mA Ab Ø9 mm SM Pigtail, FC/PC S8060 or
Yes Single Transverse Mode LDM9LP or
  • Do not exceed the maximum optical power or maximum drive current, whichever occurs first.
  • Laser diodes with A, B, C, or D pin codes have a built-in monitor photodiode and therefore support constant power operation.
  • The ITC4001 driver is only necessary if the LDM9LP mount or a custom mount is used, as the CLD1010LP and CLD1011LP are each a combined mount and driver.
  • This socket is included with the purchase of the corresponding laser diode.
Based on your currency / country selection, your order will ship from Newton, New Jersey  
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
Choose ItemLP852-SF30 Support Documentation
LP852-SF30852 nm, 30 mW, A Pin Code, SM Fiber-Pigtailed Laser Diode, FC/PC
Choose ItemLP852-SF60 Support Documentation
LP852-SF60852 nm, 60 mW, A Pin Code, SM Fiber-Pigtailed Laser Diode, FC/PC
Choose ItemLP880-SF3 Support Documentation
LP880-SF3880 nm, 3 mW, A Pin Code, SM Fiber-Pigtailed Laser Diode, FC/PC
Choose ItemLP904-SF3 Support Documentation
LP904-SF3Customer Inspired! 904 nm, 3 mW, A Pin Code, SM Fiber-Pigtailed Laser Diode, FC/PC
Choose ItemLP915-SF40 Support Documentation
LP915-SF40915 nm, 40 mW, A Pin Code, SM Fiber-Pigtailed Laser Diode, FC/PC
Choose ItemLP940-SF30 Support Documentation
LP940-SF30940 nm, 30 mW, A Pin Code, SM Fiber-Pigtailed Laser Diode, FC/PC
Choose ItemLP980-SF15 Support Documentation
LP980-SF15980 nm, 15 mW, E Pin Code, SM Fiber-Pigtailed Laser Diode, FC/PC
Choose ItemLP980-SA60 Support Documentation
LP980-SA60980 nm, 60 mW, H Pin Code, SM Fiber-Pigtailed Laser Diode, FC/APC
Choose ItemLPS-1060-FC Support Documentation
LPS-1060-FC1064 nm, 50 mW, A Pin Code, SM Fiber-Pigtailed Laser Diode, FC/PC
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1310 nm Pigtail

Item # Info Wavelength Power
Drive Currenta
Package Compatible
Laser Mode Recommended
LPSC-1310-FC info 1310 nm 50 mW 350 mA / 500 mA E Ø5.6 mm SM Pigtail, FC/PC S7060R Yes Single Transverse Mode LDM9LP or
  • Do not exceed the maximum optical power or maximum drive current, whichever occurs first.
  • The ITC4001 driver is only necessary if the LDM9LP mount or a custom mount is used, as the CLD1010LP is both a mount and a driver.
Based on your currency / country selection, your order will ship from Newton, New Jersey  
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
Choose ItemLPSC-1310-FC Support Documentation
LPSC-1310-FC1310 nm, 50 mW, E Pin Code, SM Fiber-Pigtailed Laser Diode, FC/PC
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1550 nm Pigtails

Item # Info Wavelength Power
Drive Currenta
Package Compatible
Laser Mode Recommended
LPS-1550-FC info 1550 nm 1.5 mW 30 mA / 50 mA Db Ø5.6 mm SM Pigtail, FC/PC - Yes Single Transverse Mode LDM9LP or
LPSC-1550-FC info 1550 nm 50 mW 250 mA / 500 mA E Ø5.6 mm SM Pigtail, FC/PC S7060R Yes Single Transverse Mode LDM9LP or
  • Do not exceed the maximum optical power or maximum drive current, whichever occurs first.
  • Laser diodes with A, B, C, or D pin codes have a built-in monitor photodiode and therefore support constant power operation.
  • The ITC4001 driver is only necessary if the LDM9LP mount or a custom mount is used, as the CLD1010LP is both a mount and a driver.
Based on your currency / country selection, your order will ship from Newton, New Jersey  
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
Choose ItemLPS-1550-FC Support Documentation
LPS-1550-FC1550 nm, 1.5 mW, D Pin Code, SM Fiber-Pigtailed Laser Diode, FC/PC
Choose ItemLPSC-1550-FC Support Documentation
LPSC-1550-FC1550 nm, 50 mW, E Pin Code, SM Fiber-Pigtailed Laser Diode, FC/PC
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1620 - 1650 nm Pigtail

Item # Info Wavelength Power
Drive Currenta
Package Compatible
Laser Mode Recommended
LPSC-1625-FC info 1625 nm 50 mW 350 mA / 500 mA E Ø5.6 mm SM Pigtail, FC/PC S7060R Yes Single Transverse Mode LDM9LP or
  • Do not exceed the maximum optical power or maximum drive current, whichever occurs first.
  • Laser diodes with A, B, C, or D pin codes have a built-in monitor photodiode and therefore support constant power operation.
  • The ITC4001 driver is only necessary if the LDM9LP mount or a custom mount is used, as the CLD1010LP is both a mount and a driver.
Based on your currency / country selection, your order will ship from Newton, New Jersey  
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
Choose ItemLPSC-1625-FC Support Documentation
LPSC-1625-FC1625 nm, 50 mW, E Pin Code, SM Fiber-Pigtailed Laser Diode, FC/PC