Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lenses, N-BK7, AR-Coated: 650-1050 nm

  • Ideal for Applications Requiring Magnification in One Dimension
  • Provide Anamorphic Shaping of a Beam
  • Collimates & Circularizes the Output of a Laser Diode




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Common Specifications
Substrate Material N-BK7a
Broadband AR Coatingb 650 - 1050 nm
Avg Reflectance
over Coating Range
Design Wavelength 587.6 nm
Length Tolerance +0.0 / -0.1 mm
Height Tolerance +0.0 / -0.1 mm
Center Thickness Tolerance ±0.1 mm
Focal Length Tolerance ±1%
Surface Quality 60-40 Scratch-Dig
Damage Threshold 7.5 J/cm2
(810 nm, 10 ns, 10 Hz, Ø0.144 mm)
Centration For f ≤50 mm: ≤5 arcmin
For f >50 mm: ≤3 arcmin
Surface Flatness
(Plano Side)
Height λ/2
Length λ/2
Cylindrical Surface

(Convex Side)
Height 3λ/2
Length 3λ/2
(Peak to Valley)
Height (Plano, Curved) λ/4, λ
Length (Plano, Curved) λ/4, λ/cm
Clear Aperture >90% of Surface Dimensions
  • Click Link for Detailed Specifications on the Substrate
  • Uncoated Wavelength Range: 350 nm - 2.0 µm
  • Much like surface flatness for flat optics, surface power is a measure of the deviation between the surface of the curved optic and a calibrated reference gauge, typically for a 633 nm source, unless otherwise stated. This specification is also commonly referred to as surface fit.


  • Fabricated from N-BK7 Glass
  • Collimates and Circularizes the Output of a Laser Diode
  • AR-Coated Wavelength Range: 650 - 1050 nm
  • Focal Lengths from 3.91 mm to 1000.00 mm
  • Focal Length Tolerance is ±1%

Positive cylindrical lenses are ideal for applications requiring magnification in one dimension. While spherical lenses act symmetrically in two dimensions on an incident ray, cylindrical lenses act in the same manner but only in one dimension. A typical application is to use a pair of cylindrical lenses to provide anamorphic shaping of a beam. A pair of positive cylindrical lenses can be used to collimate and circularize the output of a laser diode. Another application possibility would be to use a single lens to focus a diverging beam onto a detector array. To minimize the introduction of spherical aberrations, collimated light should be incident on the curved surface when focusing it to a line, and light from a line source should be incident on the plano surface when collimating.

These N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical lenses are available uncoated or with one of three Antireflection Coatings, which can reduce the amount of light reflected from each surface of the lens. The lenses with a -B coating, which is designed for the 650 - 1050 nm range, are highlighted on this page. Lenses with a -A (350 - 700 nm range) or -C (1050 - 1700 nm range) antireflection coating are featured elsewhere. Please see the Graphs tab for coating information.

For cage system and lens tube compatibility, please see our Mounted Plano-Convex Round Cylindrical lenses. These lenses are typically easier to integrate into our standard optomechanics.

Zemax Files
Click on the red Document icon next to the item numbers below to access the Zemax file download. Our entire Zemax Catalog is also available.
Optic Cleaning Tutorial
Optical Coatings and Substrates
Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens Selection Guide
Substrate N-BK7 UV Fused Silica N-BK7
UV Fused Silica (Round)
AR Coating
350 - 700 nm
650 - 1050 nm
1050 - 1700 nm
245 - 400 nm
350 - 700 nm
650 - 1050 nm
1050 - 1700 nm
350 - 700 nm
650 - 1050 nm
1050 - 1700 nm
350 - 700 nm
650 - 1050 nm
1050 - 1700 nm

All cylindrical lenses can be ordered uncoated and the cylindrical lenses made from N-BK7 can be ordered with one of the following broadband AR coatings:
-A: 350-700 nm, -B: 650-1050 nm, or -C: 1050-1700 nm

These high performance multilayer AR coatings have an average reflectance of less than 0.5% (per surface) across the specified wavelength ranges. The central peak in each curve is less than 0.25%. These coatings provide good performance for angles of incidence (AOI) between 0° and 30° (0.5 NA). For optics intended to be used at large angles, consider using a custom coating optimized at a 45° angle of incidence; this custom coating is effective from 25° to 52°. The plot shown below indicates the performance of the standard coatings in this family as a function of wavelength.

N-BK7 Transmittance
Click to Enlarge

Click Here for Raw Data
B AR Coating
Click to Enlarge

Click Here for Raw Data
The blue shaded region indicates the specified 650 - 1050 nm wavelength range for optimum performance.

Thorlabs' Standard Broadband Antireflection Coatings

Damage Threshold Specifications
Coating Designation
(Item # Suffix)
Damage Threshold
-B 7.5 J/cm2 (810 nm, 10 ns, 10 Hz, Ø0.144 mm)

Damage Threshold Data for Thorlabs' B-Coated N-BK7 Lenses

The specifications to the right are measured data for Thorlabs' B-coated N-BK7 lenses. Damage threshold specifications are constant for all B-coated N-BK7 lenses, regardless of the size or the focal length of the lens.


Laser Induced Damage Threshold Tutorial

The following is a general overview of how laser induced damage thresholds are measured and how the values may be utilized in determining the appropriateness of an optic for a given application. When choosing optics, it is important to understand the Laser Induced Damage Threshold (LIDT) of the optics being used. The LIDT for an optic greatly depends on the type of laser you are using. Continuous wave (CW) lasers typically cause damage from thermal effects (absorption either in the coating or in the substrate). Pulsed lasers, on the other hand, often strip electrons from the lattice structure of an optic before causing thermal damage. Note that the guideline presented here assumes room temperature operation and optics in new condition (i.e., within scratch-dig spec, surface free of contamination, etc.). Because dust or other particles on the surface of an optic can cause damage at lower thresholds, we recommend keeping surfaces clean and free of debris. For more information on cleaning optics, please see our Optics Cleaning tutorial.

Testing Method

Thorlabs' LIDT testing is done in compliance with ISO/DIS 11254 and ISO 21254 specifications.

First, a low-power/energy beam is directed to the optic under test. The optic is exposed in 10 locations to this laser beam for 30 seconds (CW) or for a number of pulses (pulse repetition frequency specified). After exposure, the optic is examined by a microscope (~100X magnification) for any visible damage. The number of locations that are damaged at a particular power/energy level is recorded. Next, the power/energy is either increased or decreased and the optic is exposed at 10 new locations. This process is repeated until damage is observed. The damage threshold is then assigned to be the highest power/energy that the optic can withstand without causing damage. A histogram such as that below represents the testing of one BB1-E02 mirror.

LIDT metallic mirror
The photograph above is a protected aluminum-coated mirror after LIDT testing. In this particular test, it handled 0.43 J/cm2 (1064 nm, 10 ns pulse, 10 Hz, Ø1.000 mm) before damage.
Example Test Data
Fluence # of Tested Locations Locations with Damage Locations Without Damage
1.50 J/cm2 10 0 10
1.75 J/cm2 10 0 10
2.00 J/cm2 10 0 10
2.25 J/cm2 10 1 9
3.00 J/cm2 10 1 9
5.00 J/cm2 10 9 1

According to the test, the damage threshold of the mirror was 2.00 J/cm2 (532 nm, 10 ns pulse, 10 Hz, Ø0.803 mm). Please keep in mind that these tests are performed on clean optics, as dirt and contamination can significantly lower the damage threshold of a component. While the test results are only representative of one coating run, Thorlabs specifies damage threshold values that account for coating variances.

Continuous Wave and Long-Pulse Lasers

When an optic is damaged by a continuous wave (CW) laser, it is usually due to the melting of the surface as a result of absorbing the laser's energy or damage to the optical coating (antireflection) [1]. Pulsed lasers with pulse lengths longer than 1 µs can be treated as CW lasers for LIDT discussions.

When pulse lengths are between 1 ns and 1 µs, laser-induced damage can occur either because of absorption or a dielectric breakdown (therefore, a user must check both CW and pulsed LIDT). Absorption is either due to an intrinsic property of the optic or due to surface irregularities; thus LIDT values are only valid for optics meeting or exceeding the surface quality specifications given by a manufacturer. While many optics can handle high power CW lasers, cemented (e.g., achromatic doublets) or highly absorptive (e.g., ND filters) optics tend to have lower CW damage thresholds. These lower thresholds are due to absorption or scattering in the cement or metal coating.

Linear Power Density Scaling

LIDT in linear power density vs. pulse length and spot size. For long pulses to CW, linear power density becomes a constant with spot size. This graph was obtained from [1].

Intensity Distribution

Pulsed lasers with high pulse repetition frequencies (PRF) may behave similarly to CW beams. Unfortunately, this is highly dependent on factors such as absorption and thermal diffusivity, so there is no reliable method for determining when a high PRF laser will damage an optic due to thermal effects. For beams with a high PRF both the average and peak powers must be compared to the equivalent CW power. Additionally, for highly transparent materials, there is little to no drop in the LIDT with increasing PRF.

In order to use the specified CW damage threshold of an optic, it is necessary to know the following:

  1. Wavelength of your laser
  2. Beam diameter of your beam (1/e2)
  3. Approximate intensity profile of your beam (e.g., Gaussian)
  4. Linear power density of your beam (total power divided by 1/e2 beam diameter)

Thorlabs expresses LIDT for CW lasers as a linear power density measured in W/cm. In this regime, the LIDT given as a linear power density can be applied to any beam diameter; one does not need to compute an adjusted LIDT to adjust for changes in spot size, as demonstrated by the graph to the right. Average linear power density can be calculated using the equation below. 

The calculation above assumes a uniform beam intensity profile. You must now consider hotspots in the beam or other non-uniform intensity profiles and roughly calculate a maximum power density. For reference, a Gaussian beam typically has a maximum power density that is twice that of the uniform beam (see lower right).

Now compare the maximum power density to that which is specified as the LIDT for the optic. If the optic was tested at a wavelength other than your operating wavelength, the damage threshold must be scaled appropriately. A good rule of thumb is that the damage threshold has a linear relationship with wavelength such that as you move to shorter wavelengths, the damage threshold decreases (i.e., a LIDT of 10 W/cm at 1310 nm scales to 5 W/cm at 655 nm):

CW Wavelength Scaling

While this rule of thumb provides a general trend, it is not a quantitative analysis of LIDT vs wavelength. In CW applications, for instance, damage scales more strongly with absorption in the coating and substrate, which does not necessarily scale well with wavelength. While the above procedure provides a good rule of thumb for LIDT values, please contact Tech Support if your wavelength is different from the specified LIDT wavelength. If your power density is less than the adjusted LIDT of the optic, then the optic should work for your application. 

Please note that we have a buffer built in between the specified damage thresholds online and the tests which we have done, which accommodates variation between batches. Upon request, we can provide individual test information and a testing certificate. The damage analysis will be carried out on a similar optic (customer's optic will not be damaged). Testing may result in additional costs or lead times. Contact Tech Support for more information.

Pulsed Lasers

As previously stated, pulsed lasers typically induce a different type of damage to the optic than CW lasers. Pulsed lasers often do not heat the optic enough to damage it; instead, pulsed lasers produce strong electric fields capable of inducing dielectric breakdown in the material. Unfortunately, it can be very difficult to compare the LIDT specification of an optic to your laser. There are multiple regimes in which a pulsed laser can damage an optic and this is based on the laser's pulse length. The highlighted columns in the table below outline the relevant pulse lengths for our specified LIDT values.

Pulses shorter than 10-9 s cannot be compared to our specified LIDT values with much reliability. In this ultra-short-pulse regime various mechanics, such as multiphoton-avalanche ionization, take over as the predominate damage mechanism [2]. In contrast, pulses between 10-7 s and 10-4 s may cause damage to an optic either because of dielectric breakdown or thermal effects. This means that both CW and pulsed damage thresholds must be compared to the laser beam to determine whether the optic is suitable for your application.

Pulse Duration t < 10-9 s 10-9 < t < 10-7 s 10-7 < t < 10-4 s t > 10-4 s
Damage Mechanism Avalanche Ionization Dielectric Breakdown Dielectric Breakdown or Thermal Thermal
Relevant Damage Specification No Comparison (See Above) Pulsed Pulsed and CW CW

When comparing an LIDT specified for a pulsed laser to your laser, it is essential to know the following:

Energy Density Scaling

LIDT in energy density vs. pulse length and spot size. For short pulses, energy density becomes a constant with spot size. This graph was obtained from [1].

  1. Wavelength of your laser
  2. Energy density of your beam (total energy divided by 1/e2 area)
  3. Pulse length of your laser
  4. Pulse repetition frequency (prf) of your laser
  5. Beam diameter of your laser (1/e2 )
  6. Approximate intensity profile of your beam (e.g., Gaussian)

The energy density of your beam should be calculated in terms of J/cm2. The graph to the right shows why expressing the LIDT as an energy density provides the best metric for short pulse sources. In this regime, the LIDT given as an energy density can be applied to any beam diameter; one does not need to compute an adjusted LIDT to adjust for changes in spot size. This calculation assumes a uniform beam intensity profile. You must now adjust this energy density to account for hotspots or other nonuniform intensity profiles and roughly calculate a maximum energy density. For reference a Gaussian beam typically has a maximum energy density that is twice that of the 1/e2 beam.

Now compare the maximum energy density to that which is specified as the LIDT for the optic. If the optic was tested at a wavelength other than your operating wavelength, the damage threshold must be scaled appropriately [3]. A good rule of thumb is that the damage threshold has an inverse square root relationship with wavelength such that as you move to shorter wavelengths, the damage threshold decreases (i.e., a LIDT of 1 J/cm2 at 1064 nm scales to 0.7 J/cm2 at 532 nm):

Pulse Wavelength Scaling

You now have a wavelength-adjusted energy density, which you will use in the following step.

Beam diameter is also important to know when comparing damage thresholds. While the LIDT, when expressed in units of J/cm², scales independently of spot size; large beam sizes are more likely to illuminate a larger number of defects which can lead to greater variances in the LIDT [4]. For data presented here, a <1 mm beam size was used to measure the LIDT. For beams sizes greater than 5 mm, the LIDT (J/cm2) will not scale independently of beam diameter due to the larger size beam exposing more defects.

The pulse length must now be compensated for. The longer the pulse duration, the more energy the optic can handle. For pulse widths between 1 - 100 ns, an approximation is as follows:

Pulse Length Scaling

Use this formula to calculate the Adjusted LIDT for an optic based on your pulse length. If your maximum energy density is less than this adjusted LIDT maximum energy density, then the optic should be suitable for your application. Keep in mind that this calculation is only used for pulses between 10-9 s and 10-7 s. For pulses between 10-7 s and 10-4 s, the CW LIDT must also be checked before deeming the optic appropriate for your application.

Please note that we have a buffer built in between the specified damage thresholds online and the tests which we have done, which accommodates variation between batches. Upon request, we can provide individual test information and a testing certificate. Contact Tech Support for more information.

[1] R. M. Wood, Optics and Laser Tech. 29, 517 (1998).
[2] Roger M. Wood, Laser-Induced Damage of Optical Materials (Institute of Physics Publishing, Philadelphia, PA, 2003).
[3] C. W. Carr et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 127402 (2003).
[4] N. Bloembergen, Appl. Opt. 12, 661 (1973).

In order to illustrate the process of determining whether a given laser system will damage an optic, a number of example calculations of laser induced damage threshold are given below. For assistance with performing similar calculations, we provide a spreadsheet calculator that can be downloaded by clicking the button to the right. To use the calculator, enter the specified LIDT value of the optic under consideration and the relevant parameters of your laser system in the green boxes. The spreadsheet will then calculate a linear power density for CW and pulsed systems, as well as an energy density value for pulsed systems. These values are used to calculate adjusted, scaled LIDT values for the optics based on accepted scaling laws. This calculator assumes a Gaussian beam profile, so a correction factor must be introduced for other beam shapes (uniform, etc.). The LIDT scaling laws are determined from empirical relationships; their accuracy is not guaranteed. Remember that absorption by optics or coatings can significantly reduce LIDT in some spectral regions. These LIDT values are not valid for ultrashort pulses less than one nanosecond in duration.

Intensity Distribution
A Gaussian beam profile has about twice the maximum intensity of a uniform beam profile.

CW Laser Example
Suppose that a CW laser system at 1319 nm produces a 0.5 W Gaussian beam that has a 1/e2 diameter of 10 mm. A naive calculation of the average linear power density of this beam would yield a value of 0.5 W/cm, given by the total power divided by the beam diameter:

CW Wavelength Scaling

However, the maximum power density of a Gaussian beam is about twice the maximum power density of a uniform beam, as shown in the graph to the right. Therefore, a more accurate determination of the maximum linear power density of the system is 1 W/cm.

An AC127-030-C achromatic doublet lens has a specified CW LIDT of 350 W/cm, as tested at 1550 nm. CW damage threshold values typically scale directly with the wavelength of the laser source, so this yields an adjusted LIDT value:

CW Wavelength Scaling

The adjusted LIDT value of 350 W/cm x (1319 nm / 1550 nm) = 298 W/cm is significantly higher than the calculated maximum linear power density of the laser system, so it would be safe to use this doublet lens for this application.

Pulsed Nanosecond Laser Example: Scaling for Different Pulse Durations
Suppose that a pulsed Nd:YAG laser system is frequency tripled to produce a 10 Hz output, consisting of 2 ns output pulses at 355 nm, each with 1 J of energy, in a Gaussian beam with a 1.9 cm beam diameter (1/e2). The average energy density of each pulse is found by dividing the pulse energy by the beam area:

Pulse Energy Density

As described above, the maximum energy density of a Gaussian beam is about twice the average energy density. So, the maximum energy density of this beam is ~0.7 J/cm2.

The energy density of the beam can be compared to the LIDT values of 1 J/cm2 and 3.5 J/cm2 for a BB1-E01 broadband dielectric mirror and an NB1-K08 Nd:YAG laser line mirror, respectively. Both of these LIDT values, while measured at 355 nm, were determined with a 10 ns pulsed laser at 10 Hz. Therefore, an adjustment must be applied for the shorter pulse duration of the system under consideration. As described on the previous tab, LIDT values in the nanosecond pulse regime scale with the square root of the laser pulse duration:

Pulse Length Scaling

This adjustment factor results in LIDT values of 0.45 J/cm2 for the BB1-E01 broadband mirror and 1.6 J/cm2 for the Nd:YAG laser line mirror, which are to be compared with the 0.7 J/cm2 maximum energy density of the beam. While the broadband mirror would likely be damaged by the laser, the more specialized laser line mirror is appropriate for use with this system.

Pulsed Nanosecond Laser Example: Scaling for Different Wavelengths
Suppose that a pulsed laser system emits 10 ns pulses at 2.5 Hz, each with 100 mJ of energy at 1064 nm in a 16 mm diameter beam (1/e2) that must be attenuated with a neutral density filter. For a Gaussian output, these specifications result in a maximum energy density of 0.1 J/cm2. The damage threshold of an NDUV10A Ø25 mm, OD 1.0, reflective neutral density filter is 0.05 J/cm2 for 10 ns pulses at 355 nm, while the damage threshold of the similar NE10A absorptive filter is 10 J/cm2 for 10 ns pulses at 532 nm. As described on the previous tab, the LIDT value of an optic scales with the square root of the wavelength in the nanosecond pulse regime:

Pulse Wavelength Scaling

This scaling gives adjusted LIDT values of 0.08 J/cm2 for the reflective filter and 14 J/cm2 for the absorptive filter. In this case, the absorptive filter is the best choice in order to avoid optical damage.

Pulsed Microsecond Laser Example
Consider a laser system that produces 1 µs pulses, each containing 150 µJ of energy at a repetition rate of 50 kHz, resulting in a relatively high duty cycle of 5%. This system falls somewhere between the regimes of CW and pulsed laser induced damage, and could potentially damage an optic by mechanisms associated with either regime. As a result, both CW and pulsed LIDT values must be compared to the properties of the laser system to ensure safe operation.

If this relatively long-pulse laser emits a Gaussian 12.7 mm diameter beam (1/e2) at 980 nm, then the resulting output has a linear power density of 5.9 W/cm and an energy density of 1.2 x 10-4 J/cm2 per pulse. This can be compared to the LIDT values for a WPQ10E-980 polymer zero-order quarter-wave plate, which are 5 W/cm for CW radiation at 810 nm and 5 J/cm2 for a 10 ns pulse at 810 nm. As before, the CW LIDT of the optic scales linearly with the laser wavelength, resulting in an adjusted CW value of 6 W/cm at 980 nm. On the other hand, the pulsed LIDT scales with the square root of the laser wavelength and the square root of the pulse duration, resulting in an adjusted value of 55 J/cm2 for a 1 µs pulse at 980 nm. The pulsed LIDT of the optic is significantly greater than the energy density of the laser pulse, so individual pulses will not damage the wave plate. However, the large average linear power density of the laser system may cause thermal damage to the optic, much like a high-power CW beam.

Beam Circularization Setup
Click to Enlarge

 Figure 1: The beam circularization systems were placed in the area of the experimental setup highlighted by the yellow rectangle.
Spatial Filter Setup
Click to Enlarge

Figure 4: Spatial Filter System
Anamorphic Prism Pair Setup
Click to Enlarge

Figure 3: Anamorphic Prism Pair System
Cylindrical Lens Pair Setup
Click to Enlarge

Figure 2: Cylindrical Lens Pair System

Comparison of Circularization Techniques for Elliptical Beams

Edge-emitting laser diodes emit elliptical beams as a consequence of the rectangular cross sections of their emission apertures. The component of the beam corresponding to the narrower dimension of the aperture has a greater divergence angle than the orthogonal beam component. As one component diverges more rapidly than the other, the beam shape is elliptical rather than circular. 

Elliptical beam shapes can be undesirable, as the spot size of the focused beam is larger than if the beam were circular, and as larger spot sizes have lower irradiances (power per area). Techniques for circularizing an elliptical beam include those based on a pair of cylindrical lenses, an anamorphic prism pair, or a spatial filter. This work investigated all three approaches. The characteristics of the circularized beams were evaluated by performing M2 measurements, wavefront measurements, and measuring the transmitted power. 

While it was demonstrated that each circularization technique improves the circularity of the elliptical input beam, each technique was shown to provide a different balance of circularization, beam quality, and transmitted power. The results of this work, which are documented in this Lab Fact, indicate that an application's specific requirements will determine which is the best circularization technique to choose.

Experimental Design and Setup

The experimental setup is shown in Figure 1. The elliptically-shaped, collimated beam of a temperature-stabilized 670 nm laser diode was input to each of our circularization systems shown in Figures 2 through 4. Collimation results in a low-divergence beam, but it does not affect the beam shape. Each system was based on one of the following:

The beam circularization systems, shown to the right, were placed, one at a time, in the vacant spot in the setup highlighted by the yellow rectangle. With this arrangement, it was possible to use the same experimental conditions when evaluating each circularization technique, which allowed the performance of each to be directly compared with the others. This experimental constraint required the use of fixturing that was not optimally compact, as well as the use of an unmounted anamorphic prism pair, instead of a more convenient mounted and pre-aligned anamorphic prism pair.

The characteristics of the beams output by the different circularization systems were evaluated by making measurements using a power meter, a wavefront sensor, and an M2 system. In the image of the experimental setup, all of these systems are shown on the right side of the table for illustrative purposes; they were used one at a time. The power meter was used to determine how much the beam circularization system attenuated the intensity of the input laser beam. The wavefront sensor provided a way to measure the aberrations of the output beam. The M2 system measurement describes the resemblance of the output beam to a Gaussian beam. Ideally, the circularization systems would not attenuate or aberrate the laser beam, and they would output a perfectly Gaussian beam. 

Edge-emitting laser diodes also emit astigmatic beams, and it can be desirable to force the displaced focal points of the orthogonal beam components to overlap. Of the three circularization techniques investigated in this work, only the cylindrical lens pair can also compensate for astigmatism. The displacement between the focal spots of the orthogonal beam components were measured for each circularization technique. In the case of the cylindrical lens pair, their configuration was tuned to minimize the astigmatism in the laser beam. The astigmatism was reported as a normalized quantity.

Experimental Results

The experimental results are summarized in the following table, in which the green cells identify the best result in each category. Each circularization approach has its benefits. The best circularization technique for an application is determined by the system’s requirements for beam quality, transmitted optical power, and setup constraints. 

Spatial filtering significantly improved the circularity and quality of the beam, but the beam had low transmitted power. The cylindrical lens pair provided a well-circularized beam and balanced circularization and beam quality with transmitted power. In addition, the cylindrical lens pair compensated for much of the beam's astigmatism. The circularity of the beam provided by the anamorphic prism pair compared well to that of the cylindrical lens pair. The beam output from the prisms had better M2 values and less wavefront error than the cylindrical lenses, but the transmitted power was lower. 

Method Beam Intensity Profile Circularitya M2 Values RMS Wavefront Transmitted Power Normalized 
Collimated Source Output
(No Circularization Technique)
Click to Enlarge

Scale in Microns
0.36 X Axis: 1.28
Y Axis: 1.63
0.17 Not Applicable 0.67
Cylindrical Lens Pair Cylindrical
Click to Enlarge

Scale in Microns
0.84 X Axis: 1.90
Y Axis: 1.93
0.30 91% 0.06
Anamorphic Prism Pair
Click to Enlarge

Scale in Microns
0.82 X Axis: 1.60
Y Axis: 1.46
0.16 80% 1.25
Spatial Filter Spatial
Click to Enlarge

Scale in Microns
0.93 X Axis: 1.05
Y Axis: 1.10
0.10 34% 0.36
  • Circularity=dminor/dmajor, where dminor and dmajor are minor and major diameters of fitted ellipse (1/e intensity) and Circularity = 1 indicates a perfectly circular beam.
  • Normalized astigmatism is the difference in the waist positions of the two orthogonal components of the beam, divided by the Raleigh length of the beam component with the smaller waist.

Components used in each circularization system were chosen to allow the same experimental setup be used for all experiments. This had the desired effect of allowing the results of all circularization techniques to be directly compared; however, optimizing the setup for a circularization technique could have improved its performance. The mounts used for the collimating lens and the anamorphic prism pair enabled easy manipulation and integration into this experimental system. It is possible that using smaller mounts would improve results by allowing the members of each pair to be more precisely positioned with respect to one another. In addition, using made-to-order cylindrical lenses with customized focal lengths may have improved the results of the cylindrical lens pair circularization system. All results may have been affected by the use of the beam profiler software algorithm to determine the beam radii used in the circularity calculation.

Additional Information

Some information describing selection and configuration procedures for several components used in this experimental work can be accessed by clicking the following hyperlinks: 

Posted Comments:
Cyril Pannetier  (posted 2022-02-08 12:54:54.647)
What is the precision on the orientation of the cylinder axis compared to the lenses edges ? I need it to be lower than 0.05° Thank you
cdolbashian  (posted 2022-04-13 11:13:38.0)
Thank you for reaching out to us with this inquiry Cyril. We quantify the "twist" of the cylindrical surface with respect to the rectangular profile of the lens as the "centration" spec. In this case, you can find this information on the mechanical drawings of each item on our web page. based on our mechanical drawings, the centration for f ≤50 mm is ≤5 arcmin (.083deg) and the centration for f >50 mm is ≤3 arcmin (.050deg). In this case, it seems like lenses with f>50mm would fulfill your tolerance requirements.
Les Wooten  (posted 2020-07-07 05:06:08.78)
Will this lens work at 850 nm? Do you ship to Thailand?
YLohia  (posted 2020-07-08 08:23:01.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. The LJ1636L1-B can indeed work at 850 nm since its anti-reflection coating range is 650-1050 nm, which includes 850 nm. Please note that some specs may be different at 850 nm since the design wavelength of this unit is 587.6 nm. Yes, we ship to Thailand f​​rom United States
alvaro.guadano  (posted 2015-10-02 10:22:22.843)
Which is the damage threshold? I need it for a 808nm CW laser. I will need at least 2000W/cm2.
besembeson  (posted 2015-10-09 09:41:15.0)
Response from Bweh at Thorlabs USA: I will follow-up to know your beam power or diameter and suggest suitability.
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Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lenses, N-BK7, AR Coating: 650-1050 nm (f=3.91 - 10.00 mm)

Item # Focal
Length Height Radius Center
Back Focal
LJ1598L1-B 3.91 mm 6.0 mm 4.0 mm 2.0 mm 3.8 mm 2.0 mm 1.4 mm Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens Drawing
LJ1598L2-B 8.0 mm
LJ1310L1-B 4.01 mm 6.0 mm 4.0 mm 2.1 mm 3.6 mm 2.0 mm 1.7 mm
LJ1310L2-B 8.0 mm
LJ1918L1-B 5.79 mm 6.0 mm 4.0 mm 3.0 mm 2.8 mm 2.0 mm 4.0 mm
LJ1918L2-B 8.0 mm
LJ1227L1-B 6.35 mm 8.0 mm 6.0 mm 3.3 mm 4.0 mm 2.0 mm 3.7 mm
LJ1227L2-B 12.0 mm
LJ1874L1-B 7.70 mm 9.0 mm 7.0 mm 4.0 mm 4.1 mm 2.0 mm 5.0 mm
LJ1874L2-B 14.0 mm
LJ1822L1-B 9.69 mm 12.0 mm 10.0 mm 5.0 mm 6.7 mm 2.0 mm 5.3 mm
LJ1878L1-B 10.00 mm 12.0 mm 10.0 mm 5.2 mm 5.9 mm 2.0 mm 6.1 mm
LJ1878L2-B 20.0 mm
  • All focal lengths are specified at the design wavelength (587.6 nm). Since the index of refraction for N-BK7 is inversely proportional to the wavelength, the focal length of each lens increases with increasing wavelength.
Based on your currency / country selection, your order will ship from Newton, New Jersey  
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
LJ1598L1-B Support Documentation
LJ1598L1-Bf = 3.91 mm, H = 4.00 mm, L = 6.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1598L2-B Support Documentation
LJ1598L2-Bf = 3.91 mm, H = 4.00 mm, L = 8.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1310L1-B Support Documentation
LJ1310L1-Bf = 4.01 mm, H = 4.00 mm, L = 6.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1310L2-B Support Documentation
LJ1310L2-Bf = 4.01 mm, H = 4.00 mm, L = 8.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1918L1-B Support Documentation
LJ1918L1-Bf = 5.79 mm, H = 4.00 mm, L = 6.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1918L2-B Support Documentation
LJ1918L2-Bf = 5.79 mm, H = 4.00 mm, L = 8.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1227L1-B Support Documentation
LJ1227L1-Bf = 6.35 mm, H = 6.00 mm, L = 8.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1227L2-B Support Documentation
LJ1227L2-Bf = 6.35 mm, H = 6.00 mm, L = 12.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1874L1-B Support Documentation
LJ1874L1-Bf = 7.70 mm, H = 7.00 mm, L = 9.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1874L2-B Support Documentation
LJ1874L2-Bf = 7.70 mm, H = 7.00 mm, L = 14.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1822L1-B Support Documentation
LJ1822L1-Bf = 9.69 mm, H = 10.00 mm, L = 12.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1878L1-B Support Documentation
LJ1878L1-Bf = 10.00 mm, H = 10.00 mm, L = 12.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1878L2-B Support Documentation
LJ1878L2-Bf = 10.00 mm, H = 10.00 mm, L = 20.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
Back to Top

Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lenses, N-BK7, AR Coating: 650-1050 nm (f=12.69 - 20.01 mm)

Item # Focal
Length Height Radius Center
Back Focal
LJ1942L1-B 12.69 mm 12.0 mm 10.0 mm 6.6 mm 4.3 mm 2.0 mm 9.9 mm Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens Drawing
LJ1942L2-B 20.0 mm
LJ1909L1-B 13.70 mm 15.0 mm 13.0 mm 7.1 mm 6.3 mm 2.0 mm 9.6 mm
LJ1636L1-B 15.00 mm 12.0 mm 10.0 mm 7.8 mm 3.8 mm 2.0 mm 12.5 mm
LJ1636L2-B 20.0 mm
LJ1095L1-B 19.00 mm 18.0 mm 16.0 mm 9.8 mm 6.1 mm 2.0 mm 15.0 mm
LJ1155L1-B 19.70 mm 18.0 mm 16.0 mm 10.2 mm 5.9 mm 2.0 mm 15.8 mm
LJ1960L1-B 20.01 mm 12.0 mm 10.0 mm 10.3 3.3 mm 2.0 mm 17.8 mm
LJ1960L2-B 20.0 mm
LJ1328L1-B 20.01 mm 17.0 mm 15.0 mm 10.3 mm 5.2 mm 2.0 mm 16.6 mm
LJ1328L2-B 30.0 mm
  • All focal lengths are specified at the design wavelength (587.6 nm). Since the index of refraction for N-BK7 is inversely proportional to the wavelength, the focal length of each lens increases with increasing wavelength.
Based on your currency / country selection, your order will ship from Newton, New Jersey  
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
LJ1942L1-B Support Documentation
LJ1942L1-Bf = 12.69 mm, H = 10.00 mm, L = 12.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1942L2-B Support Documentation
LJ1942L2-Bf = 12.69 mm, H = 10.00 mm, L = 20.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1909L1-B Support Documentation
LJ1909L1-Bf = 13.70 mm, H = 13.00 mm, L = 15.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
Lead Time
LJ1636L1-B Support Documentation
LJ1636L1-Bf = 15.00 mm, H = 10.00 mm, L = 12.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
3 weeks
LJ1636L2-B Support Documentation
LJ1636L2-Bf = 15.00 mm, H = 10.00 mm, L = 20.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1095L1-B Support Documentation
LJ1095L1-Bf = 19.00 mm, H = 16.00 mm, L = 18.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1155L1-B Support Documentation
LJ1155L1-Bf = 19.70 mm, H = 16.00 mm, L = 18.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1960L1-B Support Documentation
LJ1960L1-Bf = 20.01 mm, H = 10.00 mm, L = 12.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1960L2-B Support Documentation
LJ1960L2-Bf = 20.01 mm, H = 10.00 mm, L = 20.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
3 weeks
LJ1328L1-B Support Documentation
LJ1328L1-Bf = 20.01 mm, H = 15.00 mm, L = 17.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1328L2-B Support Documentation
LJ1328L2-Bf = 20.01 mm, H = 15.00 mm, L = 30.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
Back to Top

Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lenses, N-BK7, AR Coating: 650-1050 nm (f=22.19- 40.00 mm)

Item # Focal
Length Height Radius Center
Back Focal
LJ1638L1-B 22.19 mm 15.0 mm 12.5 mm 11.5 mm 3.9 mm 2.0 mm 19.7 mm Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens Drawing
LJ1810L1-B 24.88 mm 12.0 mm 10.0 mm 12.9 mm 3.0 mm 2.0 mm 22.9 mm
LJ1810L2-B 20.0 mm
LJ1075L1-B 24.88 mm 22.0 mm 20.0 mm 12.9 mm 6.7 mm 2.0 mm 20.4 mm
LJ1075L2-B 40.0 mm
LJ1014L1-B 25.40 mm 18.0 mm 16.0 mm 13.1 mm 4.7 mm 2.0 mm 22.3 mm
LJ1622L1-B 25.39 mm 28.0 mm 25.4 mm 13.1 mm 11.8 mm 2.0 mm 17.6 mm
LJ1212L1-B 29.99 mm 22.0 mm 20.0 mm 15.5 mm 5.7 mm 2.0 mm 26.3 mm
LJ1212L2-B 40.0 mm
LJ1765L1-B 38.12 mm 28.0 mm 25.4 mm 19.7 mm 6.6 mm 2.0 mm 33.7 mm
LJ1402L1-B 40.00 mm 12.0 mm 10.0 mm 20.7 mm 2.6 mm 2.0 mm 38.3 mm
LJ1402L2-B 20.0 mm
LJ1125L1-B 40.00 mm 22.0 mm 20.0 mm 20.7 mm 4.6 mm 2.0 mm 37.0 mm
LJ1125L2-B 40.0 mm
  • All focal lengths are specified at the design wavelength (587.6 nm). Since the index of refraction for N-BK7 is inversely proportional to the wavelength, the focal length of each lens increases with increasing wavelength.
Based on your currency / country selection, your order will ship from Newton, New Jersey  
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
LJ1638L1-B Support Documentation
LJ1638L1-Bf = 22.19 mm, H = 12.50 mm, L = 15.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1810L1-B Support Documentation
LJ1810L1-Bf = 24.88 mm, H = 10.00 mm, L = 12.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1810L2-B Support Documentation
LJ1810L2-Bf = 24.88 mm, H = 10.00 mm, L = 20.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1075L1-B Support Documentation
LJ1075L1-Bf = 24.88 mm, H = 20.00 mm, L = 22.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1075L2-B Support Documentation
LJ1075L2-Bf = 24.88 mm, H = 20.00 mm, L = 40.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1014L1-B Support Documentation
LJ1014L1-Bf = 25.40 mm, H = 16.00 mm, L = 18.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1622L1-B Support Documentation
LJ1622L1-Bf = 25.39 mm, H = 25.40 mm, L = 28.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1212L1-B Support Documentation
LJ1212L1-Bf = 29.99 mm, H = 20.00 mm, L = 22.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1212L2-B Support Documentation
LJ1212L2-Bf = 29.99 mm, H = 20.00 mm, L = 40.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1765L1-B Support Documentation
LJ1765L1-Bf = 38.12 mm, H = 25.40 mm, L = 28.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1402L1-B Support Documentation
LJ1402L1-Bf = 40.00 mm, H = 10.00 mm, L = 12.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1402L2-B Support Documentation
LJ1402L2-Bf = 40.00 mm, H = 10.00 mm, L = 20.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1125L1-B Support Documentation
LJ1125L1-Bf = 40.00 mm, H = 20.00 mm, L = 22.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1125L2-B Support Documentation
LJ1125L2-Bf = 40.00 mm, H = 20.00 mm, L = 40.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
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Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lenses, N-BK7, AR Coating: 650-1050 nm (f=50.00 - 100.00 mm)

Item # Focal
Length Height Radius Center
Back Focal
LJ1821L1-B 50.00 mm 22.0 mm 20.0 mm 25.8 mm 4.0 mm 2.0 mm 47.4 mm Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens Drawing
LJ1821L2-B 40.0 mm
LJ1695L1-B 50.00 mm 32.0 mm 30.0 mm 25.8 mm 6.8 mm 2.0 mm 45.5 mm
LJ1695L2-B 60.0 mm
LJ1728L1-B 50.99 mm 53.0 mm 50.8 mm 26.4 mm 21.6 mm 2.0 mm 36.7 mm
LJ1430L1-B 59.99 mm 32.0 mm 30.0 mm 31.0 mm 5.9 mm 2.0 mm 56.1 mm
LJ1477L1-B 69.99 mm 32.0 mm 30.0 mm 36.2 mm 5.3 mm 2.0 mm 66.5 mm
LJ1703L1-B 75.00 mm 53.0 mm 50.80 mm 38.8 mm 11.5 mm 2.0 mm 67.4 mm
LJ1054L1-B 75.60 mm 28.0 mm 25.40 mm 39.1 mm 5.1 mm 3.0 mm 72.2 mm
LJ1054L2-B 51.0 mm
LJ1258L1-B 75.60 mm 53.0 mm 50.80 mm 39.1 mm 12.4 mm 3.0 mm 67.4 mm
LJ1105L1-B 79.99 mm 22.0 mm 20.0 mm 41.3 mm 4.2 mm 3.0 mm 77.2 mm
LJ1105L2-B 40.0 mm
LJ1567L1-B 100.00 mm 32.0 mm 30.0 mm 51.7 mm 5.2 mm 3.0 mm 96.6 mm
LJ1567L2-B 60.0 mm
  • All focal lengths are specified at the design wavelength (587.6 nm). Since the index of refraction for N-BK7 is inversely proportional to the wavelength, the focal length of each lens increases with increasing wavelength.
Based on your currency / country selection, your order will ship from Newton, New Jersey  
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
LJ1821L1-B Support Documentation
LJ1821L1-Bf = 50.00 mm, H = 20.00 mm, L = 22.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1821L2-B Support Documentation
LJ1821L2-Bf = 50.00 mm, H = 20.00 mm, L = 40.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1695L1-B Support Documentation
LJ1695L1-Bf = 50.00 mm, H = 30.00 mm, L = 32.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1695L2-B Support Documentation
LJ1695L2-Bf = 50.00 mm, H = 30.00 mm, L = 60.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1728L1-B Support Documentation
LJ1728L1-Bf = 50.99 mm, H = 50.80 mm, L = 53.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1430L1-B Support Documentation
LJ1430L1-Bf = 59.99 mm, H = 30.0 mm, L = 32.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1477L1-B Support Documentation
LJ1477L1-Bf = 69.99 mm, H = 30.00 mm, L = 32.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1703L1-B Support Documentation
LJ1703L1-Bf = 75.00 mm, H = 50.80 mm, L = 53.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1054L1-B Support Documentation
LJ1054L1-Bf = 75.60 mm, H = 25.40 mm, L = 28.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1054L2-B Support Documentation
LJ1054L2-Bf = 75.60 mm, H = 25.40 mm, L = 51.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1258L1-B Support Documentation
LJ1258L1-Bf = 75.60 mm, H = 50.80 mm, L = 53.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1105L1-B Support Documentation
LJ1105L1-Bf = 79.99 mm, H = 20.00 mm, L = 22.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1105L2-B Support Documentation
LJ1105L2-Bf = 79.99 mm, H = 20.00 mm, L = 40.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1567L1-B Support Documentation
LJ1567L1-Bf = 100.00 mm, H = 30.00 mm, L = 32.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
3 weeks
LJ1567L2-B Support Documentation
LJ1567L2-Bf = 100.00 mm, H = 30.00 mm, L = 60.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
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Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lenses, N-BK7, AR Coating: 650-1050 nm (f=129.99 - 250.00 mm)

Item # Focal
Length Height Radius Center
Back Focal
LJ1640L1-B 129.99 mm 32.0 mm 30.0 mm 67.2 mm 4.7 mm 3.0 mm 126.9 mm Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens Drawing
LJ1934L1-B 150.00 mm 22.0 mm 20.0 mm 77.5 mm 3.6 mm 3.0 mm 147.6 mm
LJ1629L1-B 150.00 mm 32.0 mm 30.0 mm 77.5 mm 4.5 mm 3.0 mm 147.1 mm
LJ1629L2-B 60.0 mm
LJ1895L1-B 150.00 mm 90.0 mm 100.0 mm 77.5 mm 21.3 mm 3.0 mm 136.0 mm
LJ1653L1-B 200.00 mm 32.0 mm 30.0 mm 103.4 mm 4.1 mm 3.0 mm 197.3 mm
LJ1653L2-B 60.0 mm
LJ1309L1-B 200.00 mm 90.0 mm 100.0 mm 103.4 mm 15.9 mm 3.0 mm 189.5 mm
LJ1309L2-B 145.0 mm
LJ1277L1-B 250.00 mm 22.0 mm 20.0 mm 129.2 mm 3.4 mm 3.0 mm 247.8 mm
LJ1277L2-B 40.0 mm
LJ1267L1-B 250.00 mm 62.0 mm 60.0 mm 129.2 mm 6.5 mm 3.0 mm 245.7 mm
  • All focal lengths are specified at the design wavelength (587.6 nm). Since the index of refraction for N-BK7 is inversely proportional to the wavelength, the focal length of each lens increases with increasing wavelength.
Based on your currency / country selection, your order will ship from Newton, New Jersey  
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
LJ1640L1-B Support Documentation
LJ1640L1-Bf = 129.99 mm, H = 30.00 mm, L = 32.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1934L1-B Support Documentation
LJ1934L1-Bf = 150.00 mm, H = 20.00 mm, L = 22.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
3 weeks
LJ1629L1-B Support Documentation
LJ1629L1-Bf = 150.00 mm, H = 30.00 mm, L = 32.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1629L2-B Support Documentation
LJ1629L2-Bf = 150.00 mm, H = 30.00 mm, L = 60.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1895L1-B Support Documentation
LJ1895L1-Bf = 150.00 mm, H = 100.00 mm, L = 90.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
Lead Time
LJ1653L1-B Support Documentation
LJ1653L1-Bf = 200.00 mm, H = 30.00 mm, L = 32.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1653L2-B Support Documentation
LJ1653L2-Bf = 200.00 mm, H = 30.00 mm, L = 60.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1309L1-B Support Documentation
LJ1309L1-Bf = 200.00 mm, H = 100.00 mm, L = 90.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1309L2-B Support Documentation
LJ1309L2-Bf = 200.00 mm, H = 100.00 mm, L = 145.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1277L1-B Support Documentation
LJ1277L1-Bf = 250.00 mm, H = 20.00 mm, L = 22.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
Lead Time
LJ1277L2-B Support Documentation
LJ1277L2-Bf = 250.00 mm, H = 20.00 mm, L = 40.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1267L1-B Support Documentation
LJ1267L1-Bf = 250.00 mm, H = 60.00 mm, L = 62.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
Lead Time
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Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lenses, N-BK7, AR Coating: 650-1050 nm (f=300.12 - 1000.00 mm)

Item # Focal
Length Height Radius Center
Back Focal
LJ1558L1-B 300.12 mm 32.0 mm 30.0 mm 155.1 mm 3.7 mm 3.0 mm 297.7 mm Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens Drawing
LJ1558L2-B 60.0 mm
LJ1996L1-B 300.12 mm 62.0 mm 60.0 mm 155.1 mm 5.9 mm 3.0 mm 296.2 mm
LJ1363L1-B 400.00 mm 32.0 mm 30.0 mm 206.7 mm 3.5 mm 3.0 mm 397.7 mm
LJ1363L2-B 60.0 mm
LJ1144L1-B 500.00 mm 32.0 mm 30.0 mm 258.4 mm 3.4 mm 3.0 mm 497.7 mm
LJ1144L2-B 60.0 mm
LJ1836L1-B 700.0 mm 32.0 mm 30.0 mm 361.8 mm 3.3 mm 3.0 mm 697.8 mm
LJ1516L1-B 1000.00 mm 32.0 mm 30.0 mm 516.8 mm 3.2 mm 3.0 mm 997.9 mm
LJ1516L2-B 60.0 mm
  • All focal lengths are specified at the design wavelength (587.6 nm). Since the index of refraction for N-BK7 is inversely proportional to the wavelength, the focal length of each lens increases with increasing wavelength.
Based on your currency / country selection, your order will ship from Newton, New Jersey  
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
LJ1558L1-B Support Documentation
LJ1558L1-Bf = 300.12 mm, H = 30.00 mm, L = 32.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1558L2-B Support Documentation
LJ1558L2-Bf = 300.12 mm, H = 30.00 mm, L = 60.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1996L1-B Support Documentation
LJ1996L1-Bf = 300.12 mm, H = 60.00 mm, L = 62.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1363L1-B Support Documentation
LJ1363L1-Bf = 400.00 mm, H = 30.00 mm, L = 32.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
3 weeks
LJ1363L2-B Support Documentation
LJ1363L2-Bf = 400.00 mm, H = 30.00 mm, L = 60.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1144L1-B Support Documentation
LJ1144L1-Bf = 500.00 mm, H = 30.00 mm, L = 32.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1144L2-B Support Documentation
LJ1144L2-Bf = 500.00 mm, H = 30.00 mm, L = 60.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1836L1-B Support Documentation
LJ1836L1-Bf = 700.0 mm, H = 30.00 mm, L = 32.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1516L1-B Support Documentation
LJ1516L1-Bf = 1000.00 mm, H = 30.00 mm, L = 32.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
LJ1516L2-B Support Documentation
LJ1516L2-Bf = 1000.00 mm, H = 30.00 mm, L = 60.0 mm, N-BK7 Plano-Convex Cylindrical Lens, Antireflection Coating: 650-1050 nm
3 weeks